/OSC/ Skypetable RPG - Changeling: The Dreaming (2nd Edition)

Started by Chocofreak13, January 29, 2012, 09:12:31 PM

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I had trouble making my character, but I personally attest that to being new to tabletop RPGs, as well as being dead tired, when I first started


compared to other systems i've found, it's actually extremely easy. you don't even need dice for it.

if you really, really need help, just poke me when i'm online and i can walk you through it. i provided those resources if you want to get a little special.

also guys, i may have spoke too soon when i said we could start again this saturday. unless we start late. or postpone till sunday.

EDIT: i feel i should clear up that when i said "get it going by next friday", i meant that we'd have everything ready by friday to play on saturday. :\
sorry if that wasn't clear.
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Which is why I've never even played EON... I tried, once, but character making literally took days.


7/5/3 (random)
13/9/5 (random)
5/3/5 (fixed)
glamour, willpower, banality ratings vary depending on age group


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I was wondering that, myself; I haven't heard anything about it in months :\



if we get more than just us in on it, the game is back.
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I'm not sure if she mentioned it to you, but Bella is interested


get her to post here. then i'll believe the commitment. this isn't the kind of thing you can just prance in and out of. >>;
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It still depends on the day for me; Sunday and Saturday are pretty well locked up for me in other games.

Have I ever mentioned how much I love the character creation system for this game?


For me, Tuesday through Thursday are; as I work nights. Friday through Monday are good at the moment


you're like the reverse of my mother. she works friday through monday, and has tuesday through thursday free.

@stew: you love it too? it's so easy and intuitive! you can really customize the character's personality easily with the system, if you don't already have a backstory planned. and if you do, you can use it to give the finer details to your character, like with the merits/flaws system. :3

that said, what time do the other games usually occur? you always had saturday nights free in the past, has something else filled that slot? :\
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My Saturday game can run from noon to nine or ten, usually until six or seven.

I like that it let's you have a functional person to fit your backstory right out of the gate.  Same with Twilight 2000s, though it's got more math.


@Kari: Actually, I work the lunch shift on Friday and Saturday. Tuesday through Thursday are the nights I work closing shift, while Sunday and Monday are my only full days iff

Well, maybe we can figure out how to work around Stew's schedule?


I should be free any day BUT Friday, Saturday and Sunday, because those are the days I'm usually scheduled to work.