OS-tan Visual Novel!

Started by Aurora Borealis, December 30, 2011, 10:55:38 PM

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I don't have any suggestions or ideas, Aurora ... I'll be here whenever you're ready to start working on the sprites.


i'm in the same boat as you on being busy with school, but i'll be here too when i'm done. ^^ (sorry i can't help more now, but i dug my own grave on this project. :[ )
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Aurora Borealis

Here's the reference sketch for 2k-tan's default pose and expression:

I hope that vectorizing this and correcting the proportions won't be too much of a problem.


I could probably vectorize this and make the templates quite easily. Is this something I should do for you, and if so, when would you want it done by?

Aurora Borealis

Yes. I'm afraid I struggled with the templates, but at least I was able to give a starting point. How about I provide the sketches, and you vectorize them? Though if you have suggestions for character expressions and poses to add on, I'd like to see them too. I don't have a strict deadline, but getting a first piece of character art done by the weekend would be recommended so I could comment on it as soon as I can.


curious, what did you have in mind for the splash pages? i was thinking a tiled pattern of the error icon, with the entire thing in a light blue. seems rather typical/safe. what do you think?
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character selected? you mean you want me to put in a box with the character's name?
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Aurora Borealis

@Bella: Any progress with the character art? I'd like to know when I can start posting more up.

@Choco: I mean art of the character being selected, with the name in the background.


Sorry, I've been really neglectful in my art duties. Coupled with the fact that I really wasn't feeling like drawing anything and that you weren't around much, I sort of put it at the bottom of my project priorities. : (


i haven't made progress since i'm stll confused on what's asked of me. i was going to do the background for the splash pages, but shouldn't we put the rest (character name and picture) in later, since you guys were doing the character art? also, should i stick to a general colour pallette for the backgrounds (rainbow) or make each one specific to each character?

sorry, i just don't want to screw this up. ><;;
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Aurora Borealis

We can add the character art for the splash pages later; we should start with the background first. Being fullscreen, it needs to be 1024 x 768 resolution.  You had in mind a tiled background with the ME-tan style error icon, right? I think using that background in a different color for each of the playable characters would work, since the icon would still be easily recognizable. I was thinking a blue background for XP-tan and an orange background for Tiger-tan (the icon would match, being blue+white or orange+white respectively). There were two other playable characters in the original concept, but I put those aside for now because working on two scenarios is hard enough, let alone four!


that should be easy peasy. -w-

i'll try to have it within the next week or two. but my room is close to the unlivable point right now (literally!), so that has to come first. ^^;;;
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Aurora Borealis

@Choco: Okay.


Anyone else still interested in continuing this project?


Well, about the best I could contribute would be voice acting, but since I don't know if you want to do anything that elaborate, there's nothing I can really think of to do; except stand on the sidelines as your cheerleader :3


I'm interested in continuing this project, but i've been low on drawing inspiration lately. u.u;;