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Started by NejinOniwa, September 27, 2011, 04:02:22 PM

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Ooh. I've considered that one, as well *w*


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 29, 2014, 11:42:20 AM
i have a steam but little plans on what to do with it. :\

You can add me as a friend, for starters. :P

Also go play Portal & Portal 2 when you have the chance, you won't regret it!

I played a little Kentucky Route 0 the other day (or as I like to call it, "Four Dimensional Appalachia & Driving Simulator 2014"), ended up not being able to figure my way out of the Museum of Dwellings, and gave up............. this is why it takes me so long to get through games.


I know the feeling; sometimes I get a game, play it for a little bit, but end up putting it down for one reason or another, like with the HD Remix of the first Kingdom Hearts.

I can't get past the fact they fucked the controls to appease the whiny brats that couldn't comprehend using the L and R buttons to adjust the camera, resulting in no way to navigate the side menu while moving because the right analog stick absolutely has to be camera control with no way to set it to do anything else, or even have one of the unused shoulder buttons as a "shift key" to allow you to navigate the menu, like I remember KH2 having. I'd love to experience the new content in it, as it features all the cool extra stuff that was previously only in the Japan-exclusive Final Mix, but the controls ruin the experience for me :\

So, I just picked up Persona 4 Golden. I don't even own a PS Vita yet, but given how cheap I found it, I decided to scoop it up just in case it shoots up like the original version did at one point. Also, I plan to probably get a Vita sometime in the next few months


@bells: come on skype and send me your steam name, and i'll add you. i'd give you mine, but i tried to give it to pent and he couldn't find me. :\

@pent: Alex is totes into jet set. i think it looks pretty fucking cool myself, and given that only one of the two games made it here (and i think it's for Dreamcast), it makes sense to pick it up on Steam (plus i think it's pretty damn hard to find).
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Actually, both games came out here; first one is on Dreamcast (Released in the US as "Jet Grind Radio"), while the second one was a veeeeeery early title for the original Xbox (Coming out just a few months after launch)

First one is tricky to find as it's one of the most popular Dreamcast games, while the latter is hard to find because nobody gave 2 shits about the Xbox prior to the launch of Xbox Live :\


interesting! i was under the assumption they only released Jet Grind. still, Steam is the better (and easier) option here, even if the controls aren't the same.
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oh my goddess,Nekopara
I cant define that im strong life ,but my lifeblood is certainly hard.


So, as I mentioned earlier, this quest I'm doing in MapleStory
has its own anime intro. Although, when playing it, I find myself reminded of
a different game that involves fighting monsters while still going to school...


urge to play mein kraft is rising
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So, I slowly learn of Atlus Hard. Just, wow; that recent boss fight in Persona 3 was a nightmare, mostly for them throwing in a roulette table, which basically turned the battle into a Mario Party style game of luck. It's a miracle I pulled through :\

EDIT: Holy shit, dat plot twist. I kinda knew it would happen, just not when #TheFeels


add me on steam: Ye Olde Swagfag


steam won't let me add people because i don't have any games yet. >:I (i'm stuffedninja ; i have an avatar of a guy with his arm around the shoulder of a very uncomfortable-looking guy.)

so we were pillow-talking last night about games we like and rare games (cause we're nerds and that's how we roll) and i mention games i've always wanted (mostly ATLUS titles) and i offhandedly mention Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure, and Steve mentions "Y'know I think I might have a copy of that around here."

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@Kari: Niiiiice. If the soundtrack CD is missing, I can send some MP3s your way :3
(Also, if I had the money, I would have gifted the Stick of Truth to you)


that's if we can find it. though i planned on cleaning today, so who knows. :0
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Good luck :3

You know, talking with a friend earlier, I found myself reflecting on fangames I've played over the years. Not ROM hacks, mind you, but completely original fan-made games. To be honest...most of them were shitty -w-;;

Some were definitely better than others, of course, and honestly it felt like the average Mario fangame I played was of higher quality than the average Sonic fangame I played (Although, it could entirely be that the Mario site I downloaded games from had better quality control than the Sonic site I downloaded games from). What seemed commonplace in a lot of Sonic games was getting stuck in the floors or ceiling; this seemed to happen in nearly every game I tried, and usually made it impossible to get past the very first level. These are often so unplayable that they make the infamous Sonic '06 look like Sonic the Hedgehog 2 by comparison.

Mario fangames were often more competent, except when they decide to throw in a vehicle-based stage; the example I tend to cite the most came from Mario Quest, where the rest of the game was quite good, but then you hit the vehicle stage, which was barely playable (You could make it to the end if you drove very slowly, as you have to navigate the world's biggest Ferrari through the most narrow track possible; going any faster than 5mph is guaranteed to send you into a wall)...and immediately after beating it, you're expected to do it again except you're racing against an opponent that moves at warp speed and turns on a dime. Thankfully, vehicle stages aren't that common; it's just that when they do crop up, it's usually a sign this is going to suck.

As far as competent Sonic games, easily the most noteworthy one is Sonic Robo Blast 2; a full 3D adventure built off of the Doom engine. Honestly, some quirks with the camera aside (Which comes from the fact they're using an engine designed for a first-person shooter to power a third-person platform game), this game's quite fun to play and is well worth checking out.

With the Mario games, one that will forever stick out in my mind is Yoshi vs. Windows: Platinum Edition; a simple 2D platform game, clearly inspired by Yoshi's Story, where you play as a Yoshi who goes on a quest to defeat Bill Gates for some reason. It has some issues, most notably with the moving platforms being broken, but otherwise it's a charming game that I had a lot of fun with. There are plenty of other good ones out there, but it's been a while. Maybe sometime, I'll download some random ones and share my thoughts on them -w-