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Started by NejinOniwa, September 27, 2011, 04:02:22 PM

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True. It's also about $8 cheaper than PC, which is tempting; even if PC's the better route >w>;



btw, best idea ever. you, me, bells, stew, nej. we all get saints row on steam. BEST MINDFUCK GANG EVER? BEST MINDFUCK GANG EVER.
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Saints row -_-;

A bit too spazzy for my tastes, really.


but that's the beauty of it. we'd be the perfect chaos team!
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Indeed. We could go on a rampage with Dubstep Guns >:3


I want to find a character creator for saints row but all of them involve having a steam account. poopie. >>;
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Mmm :\

My character is a guy with a Bert Reynolds mustache and a giant dark blue afro xD


so.....Freddie mercury meets pedoclown?
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Yeees -w-;

The character creator offers quite a a bit of freedom; including options for the voice\personality of your character


*jerry-rigs Brooklyn and/or boston accent*
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Nintendo pushed the miiverse update for 3DS, so i've been posting doodles in some boards. I really like it. And it has pretty music -w-

Here's a few samples of my posts:
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Official -tans are my bat signal.


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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 10, 2013, 05:03:41 PM
my body is ready

A meme that started with an E3 presentation where Reggie Fils-Aime said "My Body Is Ready" in response to Wii Fit. It got popular and spread around the web. I posted that doodle of him in the Smash Bros board because he joked on twitter that if enough people wanted it, he'd be in the next Smash Bros. His final attack would be the "My Body Is Ready" Slam
Official -tans are my bat signal.



Quote from: DustiiWolf on December 10, 2013, 05:09:31 PM
A meme that started with an E3 presentation where Reggie Fils-Aime said "My Body Is Ready" in response to Wii Fit. It got popular and spread around the web. I posted that doodle of him in the Smash Bros board because he joked on twitter that if enough people wanted it, he'd be in the next Smash Bros. His final attack would be the "My Body Is Ready" Slam

I wasn't asking what it was
I was saying that in response to you saying it at all, given the HOMOLUST CHALLENGE GENERATOR that we here at OSC all know and love.

i mean, dude, I started a thread called IS YOUR BODY READY 2 years ago. :\
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