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Started by NejinOniwa, September 27, 2011, 04:02:22 PM

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For when I want to break out a gun and get locked in an intense firefight with some, I tend to go for the classic: Doom >:3


@pentium: nice. 8)
@kraus: not all of us have the luxury of having a license to carry or a firing range near us. the one up the street is for hunting game, not practicing your aim. :\

a used game store opened recently near here. i'd like to check it out. ^^ (hopefully they have a cheap N64 controller. :\ )
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I tend to be a pyromaniac in games in general.  If there's an option to set things afire - I'm doing it.  That's why I love all the oil slicks you find in dungeons in Skyrim.  Still though, rarely have I played a game that has quite the potential for causing what can really, truly be considered a wildfire like FC2.  I mean, in most cases (that is, unless it's raining) all you have to do in FC2 to get a fire going is throw one molotav and the brush just blazes completely out of control.  It's so bad that just firing the guided missile launcher in tall grass will set your immediate surroundings ablaze.

Quote from: Dr. Kraus on January 01, 2012, 01:17:55 PM
In other news, Dark Souls kicked my ass once again.

Isn't that a fact of life for anyone playing Dark Souls?  They should have just made the tagline for it "You Lose... A Lot".

The Choice of a New Generation.


@IDK: that scenario sounds fun. :3 being able to cause mass fires has a sense of excitement to it, especially given the knowledge that you're not hurting real people or destroying real property.

the molotovs and flame thrower in GTA are easy ways to relieve some stress and spark some chaos. -w- (it makes it more fun if you can set a car on fire, since then you're not even hurting virtual people AND there's a sweet explosion after! (bonus points if you get another car to blow up because of the first explosion!!)
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Quote from: Dr. Kraus on January 01, 2012, 01:17:55 PM
If I want some good gun action, I go down to the range, rent out the Thompson M1A1 Sub machine gun, load it up, and full auto that sucker until the bolt clicks or the target is nothing but the outside corners.

Thats always a good tay, except its expensive as all hell to waste ammo like that. No one loves a good trip to the range more then me, but ammo is expensive these days. My P99 and MP5A5 are my only guiltless weapons. I can bearly fire 3 shots of .50 AE before my wallet screams out for me to stop.

Quote from: IanDanKilmaster on January 01, 2012, 02:10:40 PM
I tend to be a pyromaniac in games in general.  If there's an option to set things afire - I'm doing it.  That's why I love all the oil slicks you find in dungeons in Skyrim.  Still though, rarely have I played a game that has quite the potential for causing what can really, truly be considered a wildfire like FC2.  I mean, in most cases (that is, unless it's raining) all you have to do in FC2 to get a fire going is throw one molotav and the brush just blazes completely out of control.  It's so bad that just firing the guided missile launcher in tall grass will set your immediate surroundings ablaze.

FC2s fire is matched only by perhaps Alone in the Dark. Highly under rated game. Has some game breaking giltches in early releases, but for a game your likely to pay less than 5 dollars in a bargin bin id recommend giving it a shot (that and you can skip troublesome scenes in the game) Just like farcrys system the fire spreads and propogates it self and wooden structures begin to fall apart and crumble as fire spread. very awesome.

Quote from: IanDanKilmaster on January 01, 2012, 05:44:13 AM
Quote from: CaptBrenden on December 31, 2011, 09:15:19 PM
Huge pet peeve of mine is how guns will be "flipped" so the ejection port is turned towards the user so you can "see more shell casings zomg!" apperenlty the developers have never been whacked in the face with a burning hot casing before.

In all fairness, I personally only know one person who has ever experienced such a catastrophic firearm failure, and I think the devs were counting on that.  If the game were more realistic in that regard, I highly doubt the majority of the people playing the game would really be able to appreciate it.  The way it does work, however, more people readily identify because it feels more like something seen in entertainment.  Don't get me wrong, I would've preferred less sensational license with the weapons as well, because the game had already stepped over a lot of modern FPS conventions that would've turned off those more interested in a casual experience anyway.  Trying out a well-worn RPG-7 for the first time is probably my most memorable experience with the weapon decay system - firing off two rockets, only to have the third go completely apes**t and fly in an impossibly erratic set of rolls and loops was enough to make me pause the game for ten minutes of hysterical laughter.  That being said, I never fired a weapon long enough to have it fall apart on me as I compulsively sought out new weapons after an intense firefight and I generally stuck to firearms with high durability.

FC2 is definitely one of my favorite games though.  It makes me feel like Brock Samson with a case of pyromania.  Depending on the situation, I can sneak through the flora and occasional foliage to take out enemies silently, or use said plant life to start an inferno the likes of which only nature herself could match.  The latter method is definitely aided by the fact that enemies tend to keep lots of "explodium" near grenades, molotavs, and ammo dumps.

It is true that games that are epic and awesome to me, are .. usually too much for the average gamer.   Opperation Flashpoint Dragon Rising is an example. sister game to ARMAII (Id have to look it up, but it seems to be some company split in the past as they were once one and the same game but they are now two series)  I absolutely ADORE that game ofr its realisum and attention to detail. From lingo and expressions, to tactics etc.. its spot on and perfect. Its about as real as a game should be before it gets "too real"  but most people I know give up on it after 5 minutes of playing.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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regardless of subject matter, that's always sad, when someone gives up on a game after 5 minutes just because "it's too hard" or something like that. i only know one game i've done that do, and that was mainly a problem with the plot and graphics than anything else. >>;
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My perpetual problem with the Arma series is that my computer is just too slow to run it effectively.  So I just pine away while trying to convince the remaining players of Battlefield Vietnam to wait for me to set up a base of fire with my M60 before trying to cross a bridge.

Quote from: DanI tend to be a pyromaniac in games in general.

So, like me and any game that has melee combat?  I finally got a mod that added in M9A1-7s into Battlefield Vietnam, that and M132.  Mmm, flamethrower APC.


@stew: red has made me fear putting bioshock 2 on any PC i own. he says that none of my fleet can handle it, so i'm torn between fear of it freezing and annoyance at his arrogance about it. (they said i couldn't put XP on a computer built for 98, and i did it!!)
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Quote from: stewartsage on January 02, 2012, 01:34:27 PM
Quote from: DanI tend to be a pyromaniac in games in general.

So, like me and any game that has melee combat?  I finally got a mod that added in M9A1-7s into Battlefield Vietnam, that and M132.  Mmm, flamethrower APC.

Indeed, but not just any melee combat - melee combat that has depth and/or is very visceral.  For instance, I loved the melee combat in Escape from Butcher Bay more than anything else in the game (not very had as I found the gun combat severely lacking).  The improved CQC in MGS4 was also a delight.  By far the most fun with melee I've had was with Arkham Asylum though.  I guess it's because I'm a fighting game fan at heart.  Would it be so much to ask for a game where I could go around beat the s**t out of people, break their necks, throw them around, and set them as well as their surroundings on fire (well I guess MGS3 had most of that, but it could've used more depth in the fire and punchy combat department)?

The Choice of a New Generation.


I enjoyed the demo of Arkham Asylum, but that's as much as I've had a chance to play it.  For fighting games in general I can't remember button combinations/execute button combinations well so I tend to stay away from them/not enjoy them.


What a coincidence!  I only ever played the demo for AA as well.  I really want to play the full game sometime because the demo really sold me on the whole thing.

The Choice of a New Generation.


games like that make me wish i had the current platform. :\

@stew: there's a simple solution for that: PRESS ALL THE BUTTONS. (it usually works out well for me. ^^; )
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Actually the Melee combat in dead island is surprizingly tights. Im enjoying it quite a bit

but Im extreamly pissed at the way the game developers handled firearms. Dispite having a character that specializes in firearms, it took me a good 6 hours into the game to even find a gun... and ive only ever found bullets once. I could understand that if the firearms were conciderably more powerful then the melee weapons, but they're not. To add insult to injury, I'm starting to find new guns in random chests on a fairly regular basis, all with one whole bullet in them. Ive replaced my rifle 5 times with a better one and never once fired more than one bullet out of them.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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