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Started by NejinOniwa, September 27, 2011, 04:02:22 PM

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Goujer (she/her)

I'm not sure why but I felt the need to make a mod for Don't Starve that adds Me-tan to the game. I'm wondering if I can use the below image or is there some right restriction?


@Lego: I don't see why not, if you aren't charging for the mod. It's not like my Chip's Challenge audio mod; where I'm likely skirting around the fact Microsoft likely still holds the copyrights to the sound effects from the Windows Entertainment Pack version, which keeps me from publishing it on Steam -w-;


everyone still on for today

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DST has been so very, VERY difficult today. =__=

maybe we'd be better off trying when i'm not in the same room as Steve. :0
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Indeed :\

So, next week is the Amiibo Tournament, which has officially been named Super Smash Bros. X-Treme*, and already we have 2 additional fighters to slightly throw things out of whack; Luigi and Diddy Kong. So, I'm going to get them up to level 50, and then randomly pair them against some of the ones already entered, to compete for their place -w-

*As a nod toward a story I wrote eons ago, back in an age when "xtreme kool letterz" were commonplace -w-;


lol. we'll see the results, bro. -w-
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Indeed -w-

So, I came to a realization:

> Fallout 4 announced
> Final Fantasy VII remake announced
> 7-4=3
> Half-Life 3 confirmed?

Then again, Shenmue III happening kinda takes that possibility away -w-;
(Which, news of III happening makes me want to dust off my Dreamcast and get into the series finally :3)


that feel when shenmue iii is happening from kickstarter and not sega themselves


True that. I kinda hope maybe we get a re-release of the first 2 games; as I'd love to try and get into the series again...but because of the 3rd game finally happening, prices for the first 2 have shot up.

I do have the first one...the original Japanese release, which doesn't help; as I have no idea what anyone is saying -w-;;


After carefully avoiding the Steam Summer Sale I finally bought Borderlands & Borderlands 2 (wanted to play for awhile, can't beat the prices now) and The Talos Principle ($13 is a little more than I'd like to spend on a single game but it sounds so very me and has good reviews as well).


@Bella: Once I get paid, there's a few last games I want to get from the sale (Phantom Breaker Battlegrounds being the biggest one, as I had it on 360 and never got a chance to play much of it beyond the first level. Also, Chuck's Challenge 3D, even if it's kinda weak in contrast to its spiritual predecessor, Chip's Challenge...but it's $1, so why not -w-)

Speaking of Chip's Challenge, since my previous post on it, they have put out a title update for both 1 and 2; that allows you to adjust the volume of the music and sound effects (Making it more bearable), and making easier to change between different tile sets (Just go into options, and from a pull-down menu, you can select from the default appearance or any custom ones you put in the folder. Thus, you can make it look like the WEP version (Which there are fan-assembled tile sets that make this one of the easiest mods for the game):

You can even disable the smooth movement; making it feel more like the WEP version, so long-time players of that version will feel more at home (There's still a few quirks that make it not quite the same, but it's a little more homely).

Now, onto discussion of the sequel. The audio and visuals from the Steam version of CC1 apply here, as well; given that they share the same engine. However, what makes them stand apart is all the new stuff they added to it over the first game.

First off, a few of the new items:
  • A "magic eye", that allows you to see hidden objects in the level (Like if there's a key or chip hidden under a block, or if there's a fire under the block, as well)
  • A time bomb; which you can pick up and place anywhere in the stage, with it destroying just about everything in a 3-tile radius. It's very useful, but be careful to not screw yourself over with it; as they can destroy just about anything

Next up, and probably the biggest new feature, is that some levels have you playing not as Chip, but as Melinda; the head of the computer club mentioned in the first game, whom Chip was trying to win over. The big difference between the two is that Melinda can walk on ice without needing the skates (Or cleats, in this version), but she can't walk on gravel without finding the Hiking Boots item, to balance things out. Some levels have you flipping between the two characters in order to solve the puzzles, by way of a special floor tile that lets you switch between them (It's officially described in-game as being a tile that causes Chip to transform into Melinda, and vice-versa, but IMO it makes a little more sense for it to function ala the Tag Barrel from DK64).

There's also many, many new types of blocks and tiles; one that stands out in my mind are special ones that prevent you from passing if you have a certain object in your inventory (Like, if you have the fire boots or a key of a certain color, you cannot pass until you get rid of them). As a result, one of the earlier levels was a maze in which you have to avoid the keys, or else you'd be blocked from the exit.

Really, I'm barely even 1\4 into this game, and there's already so much stuff that makes it stand out from the first game. My only real complaint is the tutorial levels hold your hand a bit too much (The very first one assumes you've never played the first game), but when they start to introduce new features not in the first game, it's not as bad IMO. Besides, it's still not that intrusive, compared to some games I've played, and even with the more hand-holding tutorials, you still get some truly challenging normal levels to test your skills (Often times, the level immediately after a tutorial will revolve around using what you just learned to solve a much more complex puzzle).

Long story short, it was worth the $3.75 I paid for it on Steam; getting it during the sale in a bundle with the first game and the level builder.


WazHack. >:I

i didn't think i'd be into this game nearly as much as i am, but it's just kind of addicting. if i need to kill time on my computer, i can launch a quick game and kill anywhere from 2 minutes to half an hour. i've already nixed Steve's high score, and he's had the game for months (i've had it since last wednesday). i'm figuring some of the quirks and whatnot out on my own, but i think i'm still in too cautious an area to say i've experienced the game fully. but hey, my best score got me to level 10 and 1000 feet, which is damn good considering the circumstances. :0
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I'd probably dig it, given that I put so many hours into NetHack way back when -w-

So, last week was Super Smash Bros. X-Treme, my Amiibo tournament. With it completed, I decided to share details on it here, in the spoiler tag:
Super Smash Bros. X-Treme: ShowHide
- 1-on-1, 2-stock, no time limit
- Characters will be paired up at random
- Any stage

Round 0: Za Warudo and King Koopa attempt to qualify
Both fights @ Miiverse

- Za Warudo (Wario) vs. The Dong (Donkey Kong)
Fight remained fairly even, although Za Warudo gained the upper hand by earning an extra life; winning the battle and earning his spot

- King Koopa (Bowser) vs. Hurricane Ike
Ike protects his position in the tournament, by way of the Hammer. Now, the real battle begins

Round 1: 6/23/2015
- KongQuest (Diddy Kong) vs. Pichi (Peach) @ Delfino Plaza
Early into the fight, Pichi locked KongQuest in an impressive combo of a springboard item and her butt-slam attack, which helped her reach victory. KongQuest, while pulling off some impressive moves on occasion, like snagging the Smash Ball, just wasn't quite up to the task.

- Mayro (Mario) vs. Hurricane Ike @ Boxing Ring
This fight stayed even right up to the end; with Mayro took out Ike's first life, but then Ike managed to earn an extra, only for Mayro to take it...and then promptly lose his first life. Even Ike obtaining the Hammer didn't help ship the tables, as Mayro effortlessly evaded his attack. It came down to the wire; Ike sent out a Galaga ship and had the Smash Ball, but Mayro heabutted him into oblivion; ending the battle.

- Konata (Lucina) vs. Weegee (Luigi) @ Pokémon Stadium 2
Even with fast Smashes on her side, Konata wasn't able to keep up pace with the combo master that is Weegee. However, she came close to victory when she got the Smash Ball toward the end, but Weegee casually jumped over her attack. Of the fighters to join in after the original plans for the tournament were laid out, Weegee seems to be the wild card that's going to really shake things up.

- Dyson (Kirby) vs. PinkFloyd (Jigglypuff) @ Smashville
In sharp contrast to the two previous fights, this one was kinda derpy; between the unfitting music and the lack of action. However, PinkFloyd came out on top in the end.

- Za Warudo vs. Sonic & Knuckles @ Gamer
Sonic proved to be a more competent fighter, although Za Warudo only lost his last life due to getting caught by the stage hazard in his effort to sneak up on Sonic. Was a good fight, though.

- Gardenia (Villager) vs. Penti (Toon Link) @ Kongo Jungle N64
This fight was one of the more intense ones; with so many close calls, but by a hair, Gardenia pulled through in the end with a Final Smash.

- Joel (Ness) vs. Ripley (Samus) @ Onett
Ripley, although she has taken on powerful monsters and even a giant brain in a glass jar, she couldn't comprehend the true form of Joel's Final Smash, leading to his victory. Also, Waluigi appeared via Assist Trophy at one point, and "nope'd" right out of there, as he walked off screen -w-;

- Rockman (Mega Man) vs. Marth the Legend @ Pilotwings
In a major shake-up, none of the Fire Emblem characters made it into round 2; as Rockman effortlessly wasted Marth to secure the final slot for round 2.

Round 2: 6/24/2015
- Pichi vs. Mayro @ Port Town Aero Dive
...ok, this one was a total washout. There was little fighting; all they focused on was staying on the stage, with Peach winning due to her ability to float. I'm declaring a rematch on a more neutral stage.

- Pichi vs. Mayro, Rematch @ Kongo Jungle N64
Now, this is a better match. We get some real fighting, and some amusement; like Mayro tricking Pichi into stepping on the motion-sensor bomb she set not long ago. Also, Pichi got the Smash Ball and used it...but Mayro woke up quickly and ate the peaches that dropped. This fight went on for quite some time, before Mayro pulled through in the end with a well-place Freezy.

- Weegee vs. PinkFloyd @ Pokemon Stadium 2
Weegee once more proves that he is the combo master; PinkFloyd didn't stand a chance here, being launched to the dark side of the moon.

- Sonic & Knuckles vs. Gardenia @ Colliseum
Sonic may be fast, but Gardenia was bigger, faster, and stronger, too. She, however, is not the first member of the DK Crew. Regardless, she won out in the end.

- Joel vs. Rockman @ Boxing Ring
With only one slot remaining open for the semi-finals, the stakes were high; as Joel and Rockman clashed. The tides turned, as Rockman lost his first life, all the while Joel obtained a 3rd life; which helped gurantee his victory; as he finished off his foe by using PK Thunder. Now, the table is set; tomorrow night, the semi-finals begin.

Semi-Finals: 6/25/2015
- Mayro vs. Weegee @ Battlefield
The tournament draws closer to the finish, with brother against brother. However, the Combo Master is proving to have a difficult fight against the first Amiibo, although he's keeping the fight close. Ultimately, Mayro won out, by way of the blower item; using it to keep Weegee from returning to the stage.

- Gardenia vs. Joel @ Battlefield
The penultimate battle before the final round begins, with Joel not really understanding what to do with his Mr. Saturn; as he promptly ditches it at the start of the fight. Ultimately, Joel won by a landslide; taking Gardy's first life with a killer combo of a banana peel, PK Fire, and a baseball bat, while taking the last one by getting the Smash Ball.

Final Round: 6/25/2015
- Mayro vs. Joel @ Final Destination
[Number of lives increased to 3]
At last, the final battle begins; with Joel and Mayro duking it out for the title. For each life Joel managed to take from Mayro, he immediately returned the favor; leaving this fight dead even right up to the end, when Joel pulled through to victory, by way of Midna showing up from an Assist Trophy. Thus, Joel is the strongest of my Amiibo currently.

Thoughts and notes, after the fact:
The results from this were far from what I initially expected. For starters, I thought that at the very least, Konata would make it to round 2, and as for the final round, I was initially thinking that the final round would come down to Mayro and Gardenia (The First Amiibo vs. the one that was supposed to be the first). Checking over my detailed character notes when I got home showed that the stats of the characters didn't make too drastic of a difference; it boiled down to how well trained they were.

Initially, Weegee and KongQuest were not part of the running; they came around after plans were in place for the tournament to begin, and they earned their way in by defeating Za Warudo and King Koopa in early pelimary matches that were not recorded. By the time the tournament was ready to begin, the two then attempted reentry, as documented at the beginning.

All in all, this was definately interesting. Maybe I might do another one, once my collection grows enough.


cool results, bro. since i don't play, i doubt i understand completely how it boils down, but it's still kinda awesome to hear about. and i'll be honest, i was quite surprised to hear Ness was the winner. xD

as for Wazhack, i reccomend it. it's not super-expensive and can be a good "i have 10 minutes to kill" game. it also has the potential to get much more serious about it (hell, there's a Wiki for it :0 ).
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