Games General

Started by NejinOniwa, September 27, 2011, 04:02:22 PM

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that's kind of cool, actually, it's harder and harder to find (quality) disk-based PC games anymore. -w-
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True that. I'm kinda tempted to pick up the Elder Scrolls Anthology box set, as it's dropped down to $30, even if I already have Daggerfall (A CD-R copy), Morrowind, and Oblivion ($30 is worth it alone to have all 5 games with all the expansions, and even printed maps of the worlds to each game -w- )


oooo, that IS worth it. :0

physical copies don't really come with as much as they used to. they don't make big box sets of stuff like they did for Bioshock 2, right? (cause i got the special edition box set and it's sweet. -w- )
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Yeah; usually stuff like that is only a special edition, as usually you buy the game and just get the disc :\


yeah, this was like, the deluxe special edition. got it for a steal. but these days it's harder to find those things. of course, when you do, the stuff is fucking primo; companies need to entice people to buy their stuff, so they include shitloads of swag. -w-
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>encounter a shiny Elektrike
>It uses Roar on the first turn


@Nej: I've yet to encounter a shiny in any Pokémon game. I have, however, legitimately contracted Pokérus; which is actually rarer >:3

So...Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle. The other day, I tried to beat this game in one sitting; getting decently far in before I needed save states as a crutch (I got up to level 68 before, in an effort to load my save state, I actually overwrote it, leading to me ragequitting the game. However, by the power of BizHawk (The emulator Vinny uses, for the Real-Time Corrupter add-on, and featuring an instant rewind feature), I did beat it...and here's the ending:

To be honest, I did like this game when I was younger; I felt that, while not the best game ever, it wasn't that bad, either. Replaying it, and actually trying to beat it, was another experience entirely. They're nice enough to give you a 4-digit password at the end of every level, so at least there's that, but the game suffers from so many other problems, such as:

  • An AI that feels like it has a magnet stuck to it (Enemies more erratically; every time you think you have their pattern figured out, they abruptly change gears. Also, they oh-so-often stop dead in their tracks)
  • Ridiculous slowdown if there's too many enemies in the level (During the last few levels, the game is crawling due to the sheer number of enemies on-screen. I think the NES version had similar issues, but it's been at least 10 years since I last played that version)
  • The fact that you'll get locked into certain movements (If you're climbing up a flight of stairs, and an enemy is coming down at the same time, you cannot stop and turn around; you instead are locked into walking directly into the enemy)

This game had potential, but it's plagued with so many problems that it's hard to suggest it at all. At the very least, I can say I finally beat it...even if I had to cheat to get past the level I was stuck on.


@nej: i'm so sorry ;^;
@pent: based off that localization ending alone it feels sorta shitty. sorry to crap on a game you like but it does feel like an instance of the mid 90's where they just made a cheap game engine and slapped as many license characters as they could on it. i mean, not being able to turn around isn't even something that was a thing in Mario games. >>;;

getting back into playing DST. hopefully this won't distract me too much from the project, but at least it's stress relief. though it glitched up so hard the other night that me and Steve couldn't even play. i've begun a new file alone to see if it was just mod lockout, so far so good (as good as it can be, the game thinks my computer sucks). :\
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Actually, it came out in 1989. Still, when one of the first Game Boy games was Super Mario Land, which IMO faithfully captured the feel of Super Mario Bros., they don't have much of an excuse here :\

I plan to give the sequels a try sometime soon, too. Technically, Mickey Mouse: Magic Wands is one of them, as this series has a complicated history with licensing; most of the series in Japan were Mickey Mouse games, with the very first one being a Roger Rabbit game in its initial Famicom release, while in the US, most of the series were released as Bugs Bunny games, with a few oddities (Mickey Mouse V: Mahou no Stick coming out in its original form as the aforementioned Magic Wands, while Mickey Mouse IV became a Ghostbusters game in the US). In all regions, the final game of the series, released for GBA in 2002, starred Woody Woodpecker.

EDIT: So, I just beat the second game. This one's much more polished than the first one; for starters, holy shit you can actually change directions on the stairs, which makes the game's difficulty feel a lot more fair (There's still some moments, but they aren't as frequent. Also, the game is mercifully shorter (28 levels + 1 boss fight, versus 80 levels), and has a better ending; with Bugs rescuing his girlfriend, "Honey Bunny" (This was a good 5 years before Space Jam, so Lola Bunny didn't exist yet). It's obvious they put a lot more effort into this one, making for a game that is worth picking up if you find it cheaply.

Next one up would be Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 3; a Game Boy Color game that is technically the 6th installment in the series. The various licenses applied to this series makes things complicated -w-;

Also, Steam Summer Sale has begun. I already have plans to pick up Chip's Challenge 2 and Don't Starve Together -w-

Goujer (she/her)

Are we all going to not starve together?


@Lego: Indeed :3
I think Kari's wanting to do a group game Sunday evening?

EDIT: So, I just picked up DST...and also the Chip's Challenge Bundle (Cost the same as just getting 2 by itself, which also landed me the first game and the level creator add-on (Which I hope is as easy to use as the fan-made CHIPEDIT was for the Windows Entertainment Pack version).

As for the graphics, they seem to have been a source of controversy over people more familiar with the WEP version. Here's a side-by-side comparison between the two:

The graphics of the WEP version are all original and exclusive to it, while the Steam version uses graphics more in-line with the previous versions of the game; such as the Amiga version. As far as the gameplay, the Steam version plays off of what fans call the "Atari Lynx ruleset"; which has smoother character movement as the first immediately noticeable difference, which makes the game feel different.

The controls work just as well as any other version; it might throw some off that it uses WASD for movement, instead of the arrow keys (I know most games these days are expected to use WASD for movement, but I opted to change it in the options to use the arrow keys just because I'm more adjusted to playing Chip's Challenge that way). Also, they removed the mouse control option, but given mouse control in the WEP version was terrible, it's not really missed in the least.

As for the music, while there's a lot more of it this time around (Which is part of the reason for the game being a 180MB download, versus earlier versions being about 500KB), it just doesn't fit the game in my opinion; it's these old piano pieces that sound more like something you'd hear in a silent movie than a puzzle game revolving around a nerdy guy trying to impress the head of a computer club, which leaves me longing for the chiptunes of the Amiga version or even the MIDIs of the WEP version. Also, the sound effects are very, very loud; moreso than the music. However, they can easily be disabled in the options, and from looking at the game's data, it doesn't seem like it'd take much effort to import the sound effects from the WEP version, while the music would take more time).

Aside from the issues with the audio, it's still Chip's Challenge; therefore, it's great : D


tbh, i never even knew it had sound. it was always disabled, lol.

i should think about picking that up. but i'm broke atm, lol.

@DST: just a heads up, Pent, the controls are WASD for DST (for movement, anyway, i'll explain the rest later). and Lego, Pent's right, i was gonna get a 3-way game going with me, my boyfriend Steve, and Pent on sunday evening. if you're free, i'd love to have you along. :3
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I can adjust to it, but for Chip's Challenge, it's etched into my mind to use the arrows -w-;
(It's like me attempting to do PSO with a keyboard, or MapleStory with a controller)

Goujer (she/her)

I am avaliable on Sunday so that works out well.
I should practice a bit today though.


kaaay. posting here for reference that the current working time is around 5:30, 6pm EST.
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