Figurine/Plush collection thread~

Started by Acher13, July 04, 2011, 05:22:29 AM

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honestly I suck at playing it, but Im a huge fan of the characters, so i have thousands of doujin and such figures and some of the doujin games BASED on touhou that play in a way I can play.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Heh, you got a Mokou and Kaguya figure.  Nice.


Quote from: CaptBrenden on January 04, 2012, 08:18:40 PM
honestly I suck at playing it, but Im a huge fan of the characters, so i have thousands of doujin and such figures and some of the doujin games BASED on touhou that play in a way I can play.

I still haven't gotten around to playing any of the games, but I look at touhou fanart, read some of the comics, and am a fan of some of the characters as well (and I like the character design in general - for a franchise with 100+ characters, they somehow manage to all be so unique).


Quote from: Aurora Borealis on January 04, 2012, 09:56:08 PM
The game that introduced me to Touhou was Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. I got hooked right away, and now I have played most of the games. I'm okay at them, but I'm quickly making progress.

Maybe I'll give it a try sometime. I want to play one of the games just to say I've done it. >w>


I downloaded Perfect Cherry Blossom, but never got around to playing it. It's on my external HDD, for when I do finally sit down and try it


suddenly, this thread is alive!

@captain: THOUSANDS?? my god woman, just how much do you spend on that O__O;;

my friends from college like it. it'd probably shock them to know that i haven't played it. xD

also, lol @ the fact that we're discussing this when the demon is away. i believe he's one of the biggest touhou fans here (he introduced me to the song bad apple). xDD
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Well, I've read hundreds of Touhou doujin, but I don't own physical copies of any of them.


she said she "had" them, so if its in digital format that's one thing. but they sell a lot of doujin at cons, and at roughly 8 bucks a pop, that adds up....
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I HAVE about a dozen hard copy ones, but i have like 22 gigs of digital ones.. every month, maybe several times a month will post an update with a couple of translated doujins. As much as I love to support artists, I cant understand the hard copies since they are in japanese so I read teh scanalations and pick up the hard copy of my favorite ones when i find them. the games however, Im slowly buing a hard copy of each one. I own a legitimate copy of  great fairy wars, all three fighting games, Imperishable Night (which, for those interested in trying the danmaku games I would saggest starting with it. its supposedly one of the easier ones(( least by japanese standards, I still can only beat it on normal let alone hard or lunatic)),and it has the most replayability with multiple modes and more characters then most of the games.)  Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil, Mega Mari and Scarlet Symphony II.   Since doujin games are made by independent developers piracy effects them directly and takes food out of their mouth. As a sresult im pretty heavily for buying the legit copies, as I manage to find them.

And if you try it bella, keep in mind touhou is one of those games where you are suppose to loose.. ALOT. its a memory and practice game.   One of the nice features of Imperishable Night is spellcard practice, a feature alot of the games dont have. Most of the games allow you to go into practice mode to skip right to the stage you need to practice, but IN also lets you practice on any spell card you manage to capture.  It also has something called last word spell cards, which are unlockables that let you play one special spell card for every character in the game including the playable characters. here is a good video to show you what to expect.. this is only stage 4 of 6 on lunatic difficulty.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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maybe i'll skip it then. it looks cool but i'm not sure i can devote the time to it. ^^;;
it doesn't seem like the type of game that you can let alone for days to months and come back to like nothing happened, like harvest moon or something.

speaking of which, would a plush of the horse from harvest moon count as an anime plushie?
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Quote from: CaptBrenden on January 05, 2012, 06:42:30 PM
And if you try it bella, keep in mind touhou is one of those games where you are suppose to loose.. ALOT. its a memory and practice game.   One of the nice features of Imperishable Night is spellcard practice, a feature alot of the games dont have. Most of the games allow you to go into practice mode to skip right to the stage you need to practice, but IN also lets you practice on any spell card you manage to capture.  It also has something called last word spell cards, which are unlockables that let you play one special spell card for every character in the game including the playable characters. here is a good video to show you what to expect.. this is only stage 4 of 6 on lunatic difficulty.

Yeaaaah, the insane level of difficulty is what makes me hesitant to try it... I have a pretty short attention span for games as it is. Though I still want to give it a shot (even with the knowledge that I'll do terribly/not be able to advance) just so I can say I've played it. ^^;;;;


one of the fighting games might be easier to handle. ^^
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the fighting games are wonderful as well.. and definitly easier to pick up then the danmaku. However that being said, it doesnt play like your traditional fighting game, so several fighting game types Ive had try it didnt adapt well. It plays more like.. smash brothers. I certainly enjoy them more and play them more often.. hence why i went out of my way to get them first.

and to get us back on topic.. touhou plush collection (minus the one thats in the mail)
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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