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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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where the hell do you get this stuff? o__o;

Taisetsu na Mono
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 04, 2011, 08:28:23 AM
where the hell do you get this stuff? o__o;

The depths of hell?

Girl!Edward is hot; those old lesbian-pulp-novel covers are the lulz; the Red String of Fate ladies are super pretty. *.*

Only having watched the seasons with the Tenth Doctor, I can't really appreciate those fanarts fully... .___.''


me either. the earliest doctor i've seen is the ninth, and even that was rather few and far between. :3

why is it that whenever i post pics, they usually turn into hiroshima-style pic-bombs? :\

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Lulz at Bishounen!Koizumi, RRoD horror and the chocolate ammo (though it'd be deadlier and more delicious if it were dark); the Kaypro one sort of offended my old computer collector sensibilities though. ;____;


aw, come on! kaypro for life! that guy's badass! >:3
and do me a favour, and look VERY CLOSELY at the one below the chocolate ammo. -w-

bishie=god. -w-

i want a kuramon......
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 05, 2011, 07:12:55 PM
and do me a favour, and look VERY CLOSELY at the one below the chocolate ammo. -w-

I already did. I just didn't feel the need to make my feelings of "EEEW, YUCK" known. .___.


it makes me wonder exactly what they mean....and it also confuses me that one of the ingredients below it is "honut flour".

oh, and just because i keep forgetting to mention this, YOU'RE UING MY ARTZ AS AN AVATAR ZOMG TY LOL  <333
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Mmmmm, sweets.

The French!

Naval Infantry, again!


@latter 2: yay!
@former: wtf is she eating....... o__o;
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 07, 2011, 07:41:33 PM
@former: wtf is she eating....... o__o;

She's eating a DELICIOUS WITCH~


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A delicious, very evil witch. : \

(If I explained in more detail, I'd spoil it for you ... just in case you ever decide to watch Madoka Magica.)


ah. reminds me slightly of this:

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She's made of SWEETS!  That other dude probably is too.

I find this picture simultaneously terrifying and slightly erotic.

Mmmm, M-14's and Huey's. Just like back in Viet-Nam, '65.  Somethings just don't change.


indeed they don't. -w-

and that painting is from Goya's black paintings, though to be "Saturn Devouring His Children". so no candy to be found here. only the flesh of greek/roman gods.
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