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Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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Pfft, Pikachu. I swear, if I see that yellow piece of shoddy rodent once more... HERE'S YOUR MEAL, GARCHOMP.

Oh? What was that, Pikachu? You fled to the sea? Can't hear you across this HUGE LUMP OF AQUATIC MONSTER I'M HEAVING AT YOU.


"You...making me wear this'd better be ready for the consequences!"

Dr. Kraus

I think biribiri would studder a little more but all in all, LOLZ


Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Who the hell doesn't, I dare ask? -w-


but pika's so cuuuuutttteeee~~~~

rayquaza's happy to see you :3
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I have no idea what's going on.  Lieutenant?

-- pic removed by Pitkin --


Lots of Finns are still proud of the war AND the fact the country sided with nazis... superb. -.-

edit: In fact, I don't want that Finnish-neo-nazi-inspired image to stay here, sorry.

Guns: something I've absolutely no positive feelings towards.



<initiate wild mass guessing of Lion-tan's personality traits>

edit: free speech lol wut free speech?


Quote from: Bella on January 18, 2011, 12:49:20 PM
edit: free speech lol wut free speech?

There is on my server a restriction of speech regarding nazis symbols even linked to carebears.
If not happy, other server, and yes it's total restriction of freedom and speech.

First & last warning about that.


to be honest, i side with you even though i value my free speech above certain people's lives. there's things that just shouldn't be said. it's like how AB last year was flooded with nazi catboys and germanies from hetalia. :\

what bothers me the most about this is that most of this stuff comes from japan, and they just don't get it. the nazi uniform is just another cute uniform to them.....they seem oblivious to the events surrounding the nazi party. :[
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I didn't realise it was a server host issue, my apologies.

I understand the legal restrictions that might be involved, but that doesn't stop me from finding them utterly ridiculous when it's in a context that doesn't include hate-speech. I mean where does it stop? The the sever hosts should arguably disallow Soviet symbols since the Soviets oppressed and slaughtered millions of human beings over the course of three-quarters of a century. Yet it's perfectly fine for me to post this:

Because humanity has declared one symbol of hate and subjugation worse than another.

It's bizarre really, how they pick and choose.


Just because you take a symbol of oppression and hate and paste an anime girl on it doesn't make it cute and undo all the bad things related to it all the sudden. Using such symbols and making them "cute" (just like with guns in my opinion) only gives the impression the person doing so has no idea of the symbol's meaning or at least doesn't take its meaning seriously. So, making an anime girl out of Finnish soldier with swastika on it is at least to me total ignorance of the political ideology behind or deliberate hate-speech.


Quote from: Bella on January 18, 2011, 01:23:51 PM
I didn't realise it was a server host issue, my apologies.

I understand the legal restrictions that might be involved, but that doesn't stop me from finding them utterly ridiculous when it's in a context that doesn't include hate-speech. I mean where does it stop? The the sever hosts should arguably disallow Soviet symbols since the Soviets oppressed and slaughtered millions of human beings over the course of three-quarters of a century. Yet it's perfectly fine for me to post this:

Because humanity has declared one symbol of hate and subjugation worse than another.

It's bizarre really, how they pick and choose.

I don't ask you to agree, i place it as a fact. I don't feel like i have to justificate myself. My freedom allows me to decide what i want and what i don''t want on my server. Anything going against that would restrict my own freedom.


jeez guys, go make a separate thread for this.

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...exactly like the picture I posted, of the cute little anime girl with the Communist hammer and sickle.

I'm not discussing what's moral or not - I'm talking about how society chooses to classify one symbol of tyranny and crimes against humanity as being indicative of hate speech, while another such symbol is socially acceptable.

Of course, humans have a tendency to hijack unsavoury symbols and ideas and do with them what they will - be it nazi-chic or communist-chic or jihadi-chic or whatever insert-violent-group-here-chic comes down the pike next, or the romanticizing of war, national conquests, ideological crusades and all sorts of violence in general. Hell, my entire ancestral Russian line was murdered by communists during the Revolution, but seeing romanticised images of the Soviet Union doesn't bother me. (Hearing somebody espouse communism as a noble ideology will, however, light a fire under my ass.)

TL;DR: there are advantages to being a misanthrope, not least of which includes not giving a damn anymore about the strange things that humans find fashionable or hip.

TL;;DR: I don't want to talk about this anymore. Have a puppy.