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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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Well, it often feels like my posts are ignored, so you're not alone


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 25, 2012, 07:10:24 PM
it still makes me sad that i posted pictures and they were ignored. why do i even try ;^;

I looked back four pages, and couldn't find that image that Stew posted that you said you posted first.

Was it just a link? Because I think a lot of people here pass by or miss linked images...


Quote from: Bella on June 24, 2012, 07:01:26 PM
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 23, 2012, 07:24:02 PM
um, that's yamada. i had a feeling it was a crossover, do you know with what?

Yes, I know it's Yamada.

It's a parody of Misaka Mikoto from the To Aru series.

Huehue, i spent this weekend marathoning Railgun and Index S2 just for that.

Seriously, her interactions with Touma are fucking golden. Especially that one time in Railgun when suddenly you Notice Something Has Changed Rather Abruptly...
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he loses his memory - ALL OF IT - rather dramatically in the first Index season, and starts treating people completely different than before since he has to guess how the fuck they know him. total awesomeness.


yes, it was a link, it was actually the second one down in the list of links that you said were 404ing. i take the time to look at the stuff you guys post here, but i guess the feeling isn't mutual. :[
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I saw them, at least. I was the one that discovered the copy+paste trick to view them :3

Also, not the first time this has happened. Kraus once posted some pics that Stew had already posted about a week prior ^_^;


feels better to know i'm not alone in this. :\
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 25, 2012, 10:10:39 PM
yes, it was a link, it was actually the second one down in the list of links that you said were 404ing. i take the time to look at the stuff you guys post here, but i guess the feeling isn't mutual. :[

When I click a link and it 403's, I tend to move along. ._____.

You should get an Imgur or Imageshack account to upload any images you can't hotlink, and post the images here, that way nobody will miss them.


in case it wasn't clear, i have a photobucket. but uploading random images like that is a hassle and a half, rather than just right clicking on it, hitting "copy shortcut", and pasting it. >>;
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The reason I suggested Imageshack or Imgur is because those tend to be more lightweight/quicker than Photobucket. And they don't have any auto image-resizing BS either.

Imgur seems to be the faster and simpler of the two, but i've only used it a few times so far...


it's still a hassle to me. maybe i just shouldn't post pics. >>;;

speaking of pictures, i still wish people would be more vocal about when they upload pics so we don't have any duplicates. or maybe we should start comparing OS-tan photo collections or something? >>;

part of me wishes i was an admin so i'd have more power to clean up the gallery....there are an awful lot of silverlight pics left in the "other' gallery.... >>;;
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Well, somebody added some clearly duplicate pics to the beloved Mac gallery!
Though some were new, so I enjoy.

Also, a new Homeko pic.

Did I mention Homeko is my favorite Windows Tan?


Quote from: Krizonar on June 25, 2012, 11:28:30 PM
Also, a new Homeko pic.

Did I mention Homeko is my favorite Windows Tan?

Hey! She was my favorite Windows-tan for a really long time too. :D

She might still be, I haven't really thought about my favorite Win-tans for awhile.... .__.


@Kari: Well, the Silverlight-tan pics I uploaded to the "Other" gallery were because the Silverlight folder's permissions were screwed up at the time. Also, I can't figure out how to move any of the pics I uploaded without deleting them and reuploading or asking Pit to do it for me >_>;

As for the whole thing with double pics, I think the gallery could use a "spring cleaning"; doubles aside, I remember stumbling onto some OS-kun pics buried in the galleries for their -tan counterpart

Also, I guess I'm the most stubborn one here; if everybody else is too lazy to copy and paste a URL when a hyperlink is not working
Which, of the pics you posted the other day that where universally ignored by the rest of the site, I did save one of them to my giant folder of pics :3

@Kriz, Bella: Homeko is nice, as you don't see artwork of her near as often as Saseko :3


@homeko: i love homeko! >w< she sometimes reminds me of me, a struggling comic artists with an apathy for personal well-being and a huge love for/collection of anime and manga. :3

@pent: yay, at least someone appriciates my contributions. ^^
also, to change the location of the pic, go to the pic itself and click the middle button under it, labled 'edit file information', and there's a drop-down menu where you can change the location of it.

i wish there was some special privlidge that one could recieve to edit the gallery, like how only the wiki editors can edit the wiki. i'd gladly take on the job, since i don't have much to do anyway. >>;
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Is is wrong that I thought of Bella when I saw this? xD