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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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saaaaaaave it. save it for posterity, for proof that it exists, and for a future pc made of all the most random parts OSC can find. -w- (FINALLY! A USE FOR MY BIGFOOT DRIVE!!)

BREAK IT OUT, PEOPLE(see weather thread)
click to make it bigger


God bless that cat, for having the bravery to do what I've always wanted to do when a child is acting like a jerk.

This old woman could use that cat about now...


Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Agreed, that cat also reminds me of mine, but of course, that tabby pattern is fairly common ^^;.  Toddlers are obnoxious.

The Choice of a New Generation.


That's one of the things I'd hate about having kids

(PS: I like that cat)


Kids would be great if you could just skip that stage where they are intentionally disobedient and walk around like the drunkest penguin.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Quote from: IanDanKilmaster on October 29, 2011, 09:25:07 PM
Kids would be great if you could just skip that stage where they are intentionally disobedient and walk around like the drunkest penguin.

You have no idea how much that made me lol. xD

Kids would be great if they were conceived in a lab, grown in a uterine replicator, born with the mental capacity of a first-grader, were consistently intelligent and free of defect, could take care of themselves, weren't irresponsible in their teens, and came equipped with their own supply of money for food, clothing, schooling, etc.

Until humanity can fulfill this utopian vision of child-rearing, I think I'll skip procreation... if I ever get the mothering urge someday, I'll adopt or foster...


What, my cloning device has demand?


I shall post toast from the Expo once the glue on Mio dries so I can take pics of her.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!

Dr. Kraus

Even though I support my team well, can't seem to get any wins today...


I really don't mind the taking care of children so much.  Cooking, cleaning and such, that's not all that bad, it's when they get so old that they can be ungrateful little shits that I start not liking them.

The Choice of a New Generation.


I'm surprised I haven't seen anything like this in person do I do this?

Robot Roll Call!

Me gusta

Honey Hunny = good

LOL Spider-Man

Sometimes, I think Deadpool is secretly Nejin in disguise


I'm guessing that "walk without walking" sign had "on grass/lawn" edited or painted out of the bottom.

That pumpkin is awesome. .w.


Here are the promised pics!
The Mio Akiyama oppai mousepad I bought.
The new pride of my collection, 8-inches of pure moe moe kyun!
The obligatory pantyshot. *ahem*
A Mio cosplayer I came across who bought the same figure as me.  They only had two left, so we were lucky.  It could have turned nasty. xP
Two free badges I got, a set of Metal Gear Solid Fox Hound and Kojima Productions pin badges, along with a sticker declaring my love for the store I bought stuff from!
The infinitely cute Sam who works at Tokyo Toys.  I know her already as I've been to their main store before, but we had a nice chat at the con about various anime and her university studies.
Lastly, a To Aru Kagaku no Railgun poster I bought.

I enjoyed my time there and I'm sure my purchases will keep me happy, however my feet and legs were killing me after all the hours of waling and my neck hurt like fuck from all the bags I was carrying.  Nevertheless, I still plan on going back next year, if only to chat more with the lovely Sam.  I did ask for her number, but she said she was the sort of person who used her phone so little she didn't remember it and couldn't leave her post to go get her mobile from her bag.  I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt on that one, as I'm pretty much the same way with my own phone.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Quotewalk without walking
They did say TRY. They never said...

...that I had to actually succeed.