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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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Simon was here :P


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As my friend said: "A real life twist on the new armor coming in Mists! (Not really) I can't wait to see what they will look like on the men."
Things to not cover in bacon: 1. Your cat, 2. Your smartphone, 3. Grandma, and 4. Your computer.
Things to cover in bacon: 1. Meatloaf, 2. Chicken, 3. Jalapenos, and 4. More bacon.


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I've been listening to anime/video game song mashups all day, and decided to take a look at the comments section on some videos:

Was the 69th like... lel.


@LadyJack: Ergh, don't get me started on impractical female armor. >:C

@Pent: Now I'm gonna have the urge to set a wasp on fire with a propane torch the next time one flies in...

@Leaf: Keep it classy, youtube users!


Fuck wasps/bees/anything that flies and stings you >.>;


@Leaf: I LOL'd

@Bella: Indeed. Somehow, Gardenia's maid costume in MapleStory seems like more practical armor than the chainmail bikinis most female characters use
(Although I like the theory that it works because the plates are magnetic; pulling the arrows away from the rest of the body xD)

...and now, some pics I set aside to post before I left to the store

Apparently this is a real place in Australia

"What the hell is that!?"

This looks like something Stew would post


Thought this looked cool

They see me trollin'


see, that last pic would be me as a teacher, and the wasp thing would be me as a teacher.

either that or i'd freak all the students out by screeching "DIE!! DIE!!" over and over while i crushed it with my heel.

@impractical armour: *pictures joan of arc and all is well*

@leaf: later on i'll try to locate this pic i found once of funny youtube comments. those are some good ones right there, though. -w-
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@Kari: Nice xD

Since Kari has passed her test today, why not celebrate with a jelly roll?

Maybe have something with honey...even if it's good on its own

Maybe some pizza

...or delicious chicken nuggets Linkara approved



also, technically, that's not honey. that's sake. -w-;
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