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Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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What is Kisaeke? :3

Nothing like texting your dog, dawg

Netflix describes an episode of Adventure Time

"I'm getting a life" (Also, love the homage to TRON)

Dr. Kraus

Have orientation for college tomorrow even though I would rather just be issued my id and come back home, then I have my drivers test the day after. Hopefully everything goes better than expected!


eh, if nothing else orientation helps you claim a bunk and figure out where the fuck everything is. sure, it's corny and annoying, but knowing where the best place to go for coffee after your computer ate your term paper and your dryer fried your laundry might be helpful. >>;

plus, you'll learn what's allowable in the dorms, since while most don't allow hot plates anymore, some don't even allow christmas lights. crazy, crazy shit, man. :0

@pent: googled it. seems like some kinda doll creator. wiki link -> here~
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Dr. Kraus

Sakurasou book 8 came in the mail today after a pretty standard orientation which wasn't that bad.

@choco: I don't move in to the dorms until August 23, they do orientation in two parts at Penn State. I do have my schedule completed though, I'm about a year (four classes) behind in math thanks to my high school's terrible and confusing math requirements. I am taking French though because I never did a language in high school so that will be pretty cool, Japanese is only offered at three campuses (two branch and main) so I was pushed into French because German was filled ;n;

Always wanted to learn French though, good language to know while in Europe~


also a good way to chat with our moderators. -w-

have a present, osc.

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Hissssssss I've kinda always wanted to be a moderator.

Dr. Kraus

@leaf: maybe at some point you will, this community is small enough that there are not any reasons to make more mods at the current time. Hell, I'm a fully certified compTIA networking tech and been here for three years.

Its not a big deal anyway, this community is fine as it is right now with the potential to grow in the future. Either that or we all grow old together here and die along with the community lol.


Quote from: Dr. Kraus on July 09, 2013, 03:39:02 PM
@leaf: maybe at some point you will, this community is small enough that there are not any reasons to make more mods at the current time. Hell, I'm a fully certified compTIA networking tech and been here for three years.

Its not a big deal anyway, this community is fine as it is right now with the potential to grow in the future. Either that or we all grow old together here and die along with the community lol.
Hmm, you are correct sir.


oi oi, there's dreaming big and then there's just getting too big for your britches. no offense or anything, but there are people here who are much more deserving of mod status than you. not least of which is tenure.

why would you want to be a mod anyway? from what i hear, around here it isn't too glamourous a job, mostly banning spambots.
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And feeding the rabbits that run the server.


i have another present for you~

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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 09, 2013, 04:11:59 PM
oi oi, there's dreaming big and then there's just getting too big for your britches. no offense or anything, but there are people here who are much more deserving of mod status than you. not least of which is tenure.
None taken... I don't want to be a mod here, I'm just saying I've always wanted to be a forum mod btw.



@leaf: damn you whippersnappers and your 8-track tapes, i couldn't understand a word you youngin's were sayin'. >>; (sorry man, misread your initial post due to the chatspeak. >>; )

@pent: does one express "no" on that form? .__.;
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