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Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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Ikr? It's lazy, lazy, LAZY!

Also if you grew up in the 2000s then you remember this show:


I used to watch it, but I grew tired of it around season 3 or so :\


Quote from: LeaflameSD on April 20, 2013, 02:33:42 PM
Ikr? It's lazy, lazy, LAZY!

Also if you grew up in the 2000s then you remember this show:

Heck.  Yes.  I remeber this show.  It was fantastic.  The animation was great, and the story was simple, yet fun and insane.  Some of the themes and messages were relatable as well.  Though, once Poof and his Anti-Fairy counter part were introduced, things got a little weird after that.  The art style still maintained it's simplistic as the show continued, even to this day.  But, it's not the same Fairly Oddparents I used to know.

While on the subject, did anyone enjoy the Jimmy Neutron and Fairly Oddparents Cross-Over Trilogy?  I know me and my older brother did.

I hope your ready!


Even though those came about after I lost interest in Fairly Oddparents, I enjoyed them mostly because I liked Jimmy Neutron. When I first heard about them, I thought it was something my younger cousin made up because it sounded so strange...and then I saw an ad for it, and knew I had to watch it @_@


i miss the Oh Yeah! cartoons segment that sparked TFOP. it was funny, but after awhile it got tedious and now it is to american cartoons what pokemon is to anime. >>;

@leaf: i've read the manga. YES it's porno. or, at the very least, one step away from Buttobi CPU, which is hardcore Ecchi/Light Hentai. ergo, Steel Angel Kurumi is light/medium Ecchi, and STILL not for kids.

(dude, their clothes are getting ripped off all the damn time....)

posting benign images from the series is fine, but someone your age shouldn't know that even exists, both due to content and the age of the series. :\

@unoriginal characters: i flame those that create them, and at the same time feel pity that they think that passes for creativity. if you're not an artist, you're not an artist, and doing a poorly-made MS Paint job doesn't help anything.

EDIT: for nej~
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Loading around at the speed of sound~


if only that was your connection! : D
click to make it bigger


That'd be making it worse, you know - not only would he be having low bandwidth, but suddenly he'd have sonic-based instead of optics routing his traffic...I can't even imagine that latency -_-


it was more a comment as to speed, but whatever. >>;
click to make it bigger


No one dare speaketh that monster...

The music was good, though.  I don't own a copy, and I don't plan on it either.

I hope your ready!


I actually kind of liked Sonic '06. It was so terrible it was unintentionally hilarious xD

David Tennant is riding on Nyan Cat. Discuss


Quote from: PentiumMMX on April 21, 2013, 11:46:27 AM
I actually kind of liked Sonic '06. It was so terrible it was unintentionally hilarious xD
I've never played it. but have watched numerous videos on it. Better than Big Rigs, that's for sure.


with foot skills like that she deserves to do a victory dance.
also, dem rugrats. ^^

@pent: i just made up a random piece of music to put in the background of that gif. its sheer awesome forced me to. 8)
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