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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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Fun little game if you have a Blackberry Playbook. I think this is for Android too.


interesting. but the only thing i have in that respect is an iphone. *goes back to listening to cute anime boys talk* >>;
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Royal Marines cut a rail line in North Korea

Hat thief


Canadian soldiers read hometown papers, Korea, 1952

US Army patrol behind enemy lines captures prisoners, Korea, 1951

Crotch Elvis, dressing in style.

Dr. Kraus

Tekkoshocon Pictures Time!! It was an amazing three day event in the David L. Lawrence Convention Center and everyone was so awesome!

First guy I asked a for a photo, Snipah from TF2!

Wreck it Ralph!


I don't even know who this guy was but it was so awesome and funny!

Luigi, Princess Peach, and Mario!

Cool dude who was hanging out in the Dealers room while I was on patrol

I found these two to be adorable when I was managing the lines for registration so I just had to ask for a photo!

Thought her dress was awesome (it is all paper)! (Ninja in the BG)

Another adorable and cute cosplay I was able to get a photo of!

Another cute one




This one was another Fav

Two adorable Vocaloids


I found a group of Touhou buddies while I was patrol'n, here is Nazrin who forgot her weapons in the car

Cute GLaDoS I found while on Patrol

My enemies can't breathe when I run through
fling you, gas spews, this ain't a game man,
I'll make you exclaim "I can't (breathe)"
This mix is too thick, my moves are too quick
Your getting too sick, you just can't (breathe)

TOUHOU BUDDIES! WHOOOOO! Funny thing is that these guys were the hardest to talk to and the most awkward which never happened with anyone else...


Miku Miku, I wasn't so sure if she was dressed as another version of Miku but this cosplay was one of the most detailed

Another version of Miku!

Looking good, Assassin!

How cute

The one all the way on the left is my friends little sister who he abandoned at the con to wonder off in the dealers (I told him off for that) her and her friends love vocaloid as much as I do so I just had to ask for a group picture!

Asuna from SAO!

I FOUND MOKOU AND REIMU! Mokou was in the group picture from before but changed for this morning!

and finally, my cosplay! I was a blue shirt "Staff" but they gave me a orange "Event Security" shirt with a radio so I was "cosplaying" Event Security for the day. I don't have a picture of it but I cosplayed as "Public Safety" today in which I now own all of the Tekkoshocon's staff shirts!

Now on to the loot that I gathered during my day's at the convention!

The DJ for the rave last night, Inital P, was selling his CD's of the rave before hand in which I picked one up because there were only 4 left!

Found a vendor that had a TON of touhou stuff so I picked up these two IRON ATTACK! CD's for $30 each

I also bought this full colour art book done by Tsuki who belongs to the circle Chika

Then this Hatsune Miku keychain for my PSVita!

Might be working again at another anime con in the summer at the same location which I'm sure will be awesome as well!


Thor's Banjo!

Nazrin and Singed were great, too. Good finds!




niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. warms my heart since i've run into con planning trouble. it'll be alright, dammit! ;v;
also, that guy you couldn't identify is one of The Monarch's goons from The Venture Brothers. i don't know his specific name but he looks like he's going for the chubby one, not the skinny one.

@stew: damn, that's elvis? cuuute.
it took me a minute to realize those were madoka ponies.
my grandpa was in Korea! but he didn't actually go to Korea till the 80's. :\
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I think I'd make a perfect Mario cosplay *shot*


now i'm picturing stew in a mario cosplay. damn you leaf.
(guess that makes bella peach huehuehue)

reviews being posted today(no particular order):

Solty Rei

Taisho Yakyuu Musume


Usagi Drop

Chitose Get You!!

Welcome to the NHK!

Sailor Moon Season 1

Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-Chan!!

Anohana (Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai)
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The anime you haven't watched


Rare picture of Bella's homework found

For Kari

Also, this is relevant to the episode of WORKING!! I just finished -w-


rarity is best pony :3

also, fixed some broken images in my previous post. :3
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Ah, Sailor Saturn

I can picture her owning this Sega system -w-

...and driving this car the Bella-mobile