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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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@pent: i found that picture last night. i didn't save it because her nose creeps me out.

@bella: lol, somehow the talking heads came up in conversation earlier.

found something both nej and i will like.

(lab equipment cell phone charms)
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Dr. Kraus

Picked up King of Fighters XIII and Street Fighter X Tekken for the Xbox 360 today, I have an old double stick Arcade X that needs to get used so I'm planning on building a small arcade cabinet sooner or later.

Mai~ The first character I played as back on King of Fighters '98 or '99 (Can't really remember which year it was, there are not many differences)

The best duo to play as in Street Fighter X Tekken!


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poor aflac duck got hurt ;^;

though i have to say, that picture of akira is rather sexy. not sure why. but then, i always found him cute for some reason. .__.;

tapioca is looking cute there, too. :3
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Simon was here :P


lol @ pokemon pic. but the one next to Aerith isn't showing. :\

EDIT: more pics for nej~

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that's not really a glitch, it's actually a pretty common problem. it's a result of the page not loading properly or the connection being too slow to let it load properly. if you interrupt the loading process, too, that can happen. refresh the page and you'll be fine.

that said, why not just post the pic instead of a link? there were img codes down the page there. :\
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I was worried that the image might be too big for the thread (1280x1024)


@Kari: Nice pics xD

@Leaf: Pretty much what Choco said. As a fun fact, that's what the site normally looks like in OffByOne Browser (The best browser possible for Windows NT 3.51, even if it hasn't been updated since 2006)




@leafy: tbh it's hard to find pics that can be considered "too large", with all the page-stretching that's been done over the years...

case in point, this touching story.

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Simon was here :P