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Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 17, 2012, 01:14:05 PM
@kraus: please tell me you don't agree with that. >>;;
I think it's because Russia is trolling.

The guy asked for permission to do it for 100 years (earlier) and Russia banned it for specifically 100 years.
They were already banned as stated by the near end of the entry, Russia just trolled him with the 100 years part.


funny as that is, still doesn't answer my question. >>;
click to make it bigger


*explodes from cuteness overload*

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 17, 2012, 01:14:05 PM
@kraus: please tell me you don't agree with that. >>;;

huh, Well I don't have a problem with gays as long as they respect the "Don't bother me with it, I won't bother you" rule. At my former work place I worked with a gay and he was a funny and nice guy that understood that I have no problem with gays but I'm not one. I just found it really funny how Russia is troololololololing the hell out of the gays for the next 100 years.

Now then, here is my old English teacher.



Anti-GSM/LGBTQA+ sentiment, use of the phrase "the gays", bashing of an entire nation/ethnic group(s) which I am a part of, ignoring historical facts about Russia and its highly totalitarianistic/repressive government which has a long and depressing history of trampling on the rights of its oft-impoverished citizens, and condoning said government for oppressing its citizens in yet another way...  yeah, I'm just going to run dramatically from this thread before I say something that I regret.

EDIT - Okay, I'm seriously annoyed, and it's just going to be better to get this out than bottle it up:
Quote from: Dr. Kraus on August 17, 2012, 02:53:42 PM
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 17, 2012, 01:14:05 PM
@kraus: please tell me you don't agree with that. >>;;

huh, Well I don't have a problem with gays as long as they respect the "Don't bother me with it, I won't bother you" rule. At my former work place I worked with a gay and he was a funny and nice guy that understood that I have no problem with gays but I'm not one. I just found it really funny how Russia is troololololololing the hell out of the gays for the next 100 years.

I'm tired of The Straights bothering ME. I mean, guys keep hitting on me and I'm like NO I DON'T SWING THAT WAY STOP IT. I wish we'd really do something about The Straights, they keep flaunting their sexuality in public I find it disturbing and threatening.

Also, I have no idea what's funny about a government outlawing peaceful public gatherings by a disenfranchised  minority group. I just find it depressing that there are actually governments like that in this day and age - though given the location, I'm far from surprised. (See above comment about the historical abuses of power in the Russian government).


Schadenfreude. It's the most human of all joys in the world, because not only are you happy, but you're also assured that YOU ARE BETTER than someone else.
Or at least, less unlucky. Or drowned. Or persecuted. Or attacked by giant bees.

You know the drill.


As delicious as schadenfreude is, i have no idea what that has to do with anything. °__°

Unless you're just trying to push us off this topic, which us probably a good idea.


I know what it's like with the unwanted flirting. Every single woman to flirt with me has been old enough to be my mother, and generally, they have a son the exact same age as me

To change the subject, here; random art of a girl in a very nice dress :3

I wish I had a dress like that >w>



Frau Obergefreiter

Guns up

Me as a kid

My boss, ten years ago.  Haters gonna hate.

Yes you do, your highness



We love you daddy Bender!

So it has come to this...

Dr. Kraus

Bloody hell, this turned into a blood bath...


If the homosexuals want to have their gay parade they can, not a huge issue here.

Here is the thing, if your straight big fucking whoop and if your gay big fucking whoop. The world is going to keep on spinning and I'm going to keep on going on with my life. If a homosexual were to hit on me, big fucking whoop a simple "Dude, I like women" will fix the problem. Having a hissy fit over this isn't going to help anyone and its not going to change my stance on the issue.

Government. Its government people, if you don't like it go fight it but you will probably lose.
Russian government. Its Russia, you live in the United States of America so why get emotional over it?

Free form jazz. Everyone needs to shut-up and listen to some free form jazz, the world will be a better place.

GG kids, going to the moon.


Quote from: Aurora Borealis on August 17, 2012, 04:21:34 PM
@Bella: Your last post was well said! I've also been subjected to unwanted flirting, but wasn't able to end it quickly, and was even gaslighted into believing I enjoyed it all. The first instance of that happened to me in middle school, and I still have feelings of self-doubt to this day. I hope you were able to escape that unwanted flirting unscathed.

I also don't like when straight people flaunt their relationships in everyone's face while they say everyone else should keep their orientation to themselves! Hey, either everyone be allowed to be open about theirs, or no one! Screw you, double standards!

Thank you so much, I wasn't sure if my post made much sense so hearing this boosts my spirits. I'm sorry that you had to face unwanted flirting and couldn't put an end to it when it was happening, and I hope that you feel stronger and more able to confront that kind of behavior today. : (

I never liked unwanted flirting, but I always sort of shrugged it off or ignored it when it would happen. In hindsight, that was probably the wrong thing to do - I should have stood up for myself and confronted those guys, since people shouldn't be able to get away with saying or doing things that makes others feel uncomfortable or unsafe. It shouldn't have to be our responsibility as "flirtees" to reform the behavior of the "flirters", but it's likely their behavior will continue until they're called out on it. >:/

I totally agree with you on the second part... in an ideal world, people would be able to openly express their orientation without fear for their safety or comfort. I find it annoying when people call out bi/pan/a/homosexual people for making a huge deal of their orientation, when many straight folks make just as big a deal out of their sexuality. It just goes unnoticed because society at large assume that heterosexuality is the default/standard. x.x

Quote from: Dr. Kraus on August 17, 2012, 05:18:18 PM

If the homosexuals want to have their gay parade they can, not a huge issue here.

Here is the thing, if your straight big fucking whoop and if your gay big fucking whoop. The world is going to keep on spinning and I'm going to keep on going on with my life. If a homosexual were to hit on me, big fucking whoop a simple "Dude, I like women" will fix the problem. Having a hissy fit over this isn't going to help anyone and its not going to change my stance on the issue.

Government. Its government people, if you don't like it go fight it but you will probably lose.
Russian government. Its Russia, you live in the United States of America so why get emotional over it?

Free form jazz. Everyone needs to shut-up and listen to some free form jazz, the world will be a better place.

TBH, I feel a little bad about textually-freaking out as much as I did, especially since the majority of my annoyance was directed at your wording/phrasing rather than what you were saying, and certainly not you personally. 

Anyway, I'm glad you stepped in here and clarified your intent. I'm not sure how you feel, but I'm cool with you. ^^;


Who the hell do you think I am?!

El Fiesta!

Wikipedia-tan wearing Kamina's sunglasses *explodes from badass*

Should I put this in the gallery?


why does all the good stuff happen while i'm away.... >>;

@homosexuality: bella and aurora, you summed my thoughts up exactly. NO I DON'T LIKE YOU RANDOM STRANGE DUDE KTHXBAI
etc etc. :3

@kraus: i love that picture of patrick, i really, really do. xDD

@pent: yeah, put it in the gallery. couldn't hurt, and she IS a -tan. >>;
also, liking the dress, and i should dress up like that meganekomimaid. -w-

@stew: nice pics as usual. that one of twilight at the library is my favourite, just adorable. reminds me of the beginning of the movie Matilda. :3

Quote from: NejinOniwa on August 17, 2012, 03:53:04 PM
Or attacked by giant bees.
You know the drill.

you mean like this?
click to make it bigger


Well plaid, ninja. Well...



reminds me of naruto on some level. as much as i love the show and all the characters, don't they seem to realize that the rainbow of outfits isn't exactly the best camoflague? >>;
click to make it bigger