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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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@Stew: So many trains. : o

@Plushies: I sleep with a European Badger plushie next to me, I guess it would just eviscerate and devour any monsters if they showed up.

I also have a white rat and a guinea pig plushie, but I doubt they'd be able to fend off anything.



so cute ;v;

as for all my plushies, i get the feeling the anime ones would have the powers they'd have in their respective animes/games, and as for the non-anime ones, we have a polar bear cub, a collie, a fox/dog, a kitty (<3), a moose, a very proper lady, a mermaid, an adorable little black girl (i hate to specify but ruby's skin is literally made of black fabric, idk the significance of the whole thing), a mother cat with kittens, a powerpuff girl, and a banana. :3
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@Kari: I honestly picture chibi Vincent riding on the back of Ein while opening fire upon an army of Heartless from Kingdom Hearts. There's your cool mental image for the day :3

@Exa: That takes me back to when I still studied production logos from around the world

...and now, one of the greatest quotes from a Mario game ever


What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


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My reaction to the above pic:


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How I spent my Friday the 13th:


i love crystal's face. xD
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Me too xD

EDIT: I uploaded some Silverlight-tan pics to the gallery. Here's a sample


i hope my kids grow up to be that badass. >w<

gj on the silverlight pics, btw. -w-
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I used to do this to the local Gamestop, when my sister still worked there