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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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Dr. Kraus

I gotta new tea cup for Easter and I'm drinking tea in it right now!

Taken with my phone and edited with Instagram



so much to comment on.....

@detention slip (previous page): that kid's last name is the name of my street. :0
@windows 8: ehhhh......she's passable. but i'm not too psyched.
@pokemon crystal train conductor: whoever did that got it wrong. the girl he was talking to was marina, aka crystal. not dawn. :\
also, this sums up my feelings about pokemon these days. i stopped after ruby and i stand by that decision. >>;;
@jupiter: damn straight. -w-
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@Nej: Awesome


I sometimes find myself doing this >_>

I want a girl like this

I want to move to Canada now. They have glow-in-the-dark dinosaur money now

I LOL'd at this kid

I want it *__*

My bro-in-law would love this

This reminds me of the time I saw Haruhi Suzumiya filed under "Non-Fiction" (I wish I had a camera phone back then ;_; )

An awesome water slide

It all makes sense now @_@

Memebase is awesome like this

I remember pretending that the floor was made of lava

This made me think of Bella :3


I can picture Kari making something like this :3

Closing this post off...


Pick dump!

Hello there.







Quote from: stewartsage on April 12, 2012, 06:30:25 PM


That it is. Cotton swabs = instant win

Quote from: stewartsage on April 12, 2012, 06:30:25 PM

Playing Zelda like a boss 8)

...And to follow you up on the "something completely different", a man taking his fish for a walk


chinese is a sexual orientation now?

but victoria's a lesbian, i thought......
but she's chinese.....

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Quote from: stewartsage on April 14, 2012, 09:34:20 PM

Me gusta

Quote from: stewartsage on April 14, 2012, 09:34:20 PM

That looks like either an Omni or a Horizon. I miss my Omni ;_;

Anyway, it's my birthday? I can has presents? If 2k-tan doesn't claim them for herself ^_^;;


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Thanks ^_^

Yo dawg I heard you like dogs

This reminds me of Kari's response to a question I asked in one of the forum games last year xD

Kitteh go derp

The truth

Best coffee table ever


Mind = blown

I always wear shorts

I support the right to arm bears

I sense ducks. Best grab my gun

Thus, Godzilla was born


and what if I told you Emily Dickinson poems are Gilligan's island.


i hope you didn't just diss one of my favourite poets. >>;;

so you've got a child!

instead of entertaining your children with fun activities such as egg hunts, why not listen up?

judging by that child's grasp of the english language, it seems they need to go to school.

be assured that your child will be surrounded by cheerful friends and peers!

their academics will be challenged and honed!

and even if your child doesn't do particularly well in their academics, there's always physical education!

and, after years of torture and torment at the hands of learning, your child will get to experience the big day when they enter adulthood!

after this great day, your bundle of joy can start experiencing the joys of the world!

they can get a job at a nice rapid eatery establishment!

perhaps they'll get married!

maybe they'll even get a memento of you.

but no matter what they do, you can rest easy knowing that they'll have a solid grasp of math,


and music.
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That was awesomely assembled xD