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Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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@bella: pretty ^^
and "america" is a country. "north america" is a continent, along with "south america". "central america" is a region.
"america" has only existed for about 250 years, compared with england (about 2,000 or so years if you count the celts) or india and china (10,000+ years)
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The United States of America is a country, America is a region encompassing North, South, and Central America which includes more then twenty countries.  If you want to include the Celtic nations as part of the United Kingdom's statehood then I think its only fair we count the various nations that existed before the United States and continue to exist.


Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!



@pent: agreed. -w-
@red: my sister agrees with that. you DO NOT want to see her when she encounters bees/wasps/hornets/flying, buzzing, stinging insects. :\
@bella: you got my point though, compared to the other countries of the world, the US is like, 8. though to be fair,  most european countries (compared to asian ones) are about 20-something to their 40 or 50-something. :\

then we get antarctica, who's like, 80. or 100. :\

also, yet another reason rarity is my favourite. ^^
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Quote from: stewartsage on March 25, 2012, 05:44:13 AM

Now I have the urge to pose some of my ponies so it looks like they're kissing, lol. >>;

@Red: That image is so true. Wasps are useless little fucks whose only purpose seems to be panicking people. : /




is that in italy? i can't place it. >>;
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i meant where was that map of, but okay, thanks. :\ didn't realize that was the actual place.
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This may or may not be one of my most frequently said phrases.

Entrance is clear madam council president.

Fallout from Hurricane Fluttershy I presume.

Best patrol patch ever.

Then Derpy was a muffin.

Her mane is so pretty *__*


This day never came....


Cats do dance. Only when you're away, though

I've had moments like this

Kitty found the cow

A valuable life lesson

A lunch bag for your time of adventure

Me gusta melons

*whistles the Ghostbusters theme*

This guy has the balance of a ninja

This is awesome

Support beam is happy

Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtle! >:3

Epic Chell cosplay with potato GLaDOS!

I have found my queen *__*

Yo dawg I heard you like Disable

Mario is a cool guy like that

I found the long-lost sister of Bella xD

In closing, this post is 100% Konata approved


Quote from: stewartsage on March 27, 2012, 05:09:33 AM

Entrance is clear madam council president.

Her mane is so pretty *__*

Insta-save'd. ^.^


*is going to come back and save everything after class tonight*
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Dr. Kraus

Oh homeland, how I miss the...

I really miss it, I want this next year to speed up so I can go and visit for a long time. Also go visit the rest of Europe but I WANT MY HOMELAND :LKAJDF:LKDNG:SLUNG:ALSNF:AUDHG.