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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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Yep. It was panned by critics, but I though it wasn't too bad of a game :3

Anyway, here's something I forgot from my "How people view me" post
How people who judge a book by it's cover view me:


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I've seen some girls that made me think this

This kitty must have been part of LOLCat Scouts

If the cat was black, I'd say "DOS Kitty! >w<"

Epic candle holder

Yay for drinking games!

This backpack, I want. Mmm? -w-

I was thinking he was a woman and she was a man [/scorpions]

Yo dawg I heard you like towing

How I felt when I got all 120 stars in Super Mario 64

Pretty much sums up Mortal Kombat's single player -w-

My mom did this to me once, when I was on the final stage of Dr. Wily's fortress in the original Mega Man. Was not amused

The next James Bond -w-

I'm guilty of this xD




Sh!  This is bat country!

Hey!  Who turned out the light?



Sonic Screwdriver! >w<

I want this motorcycle to play children's card games on

Lobsters FTW

Mythbusters = win

Ah, Windows 1.01... -w-

Portable N64. Me gusta

I also learned that being killed by an army of angry chickens is a cool way to die

Tartarus, in Sega form



Pfffffft! In that situation, I'd obviously be cuddling the dickens out and not giving two fucks what's going on in Teh Interwebz. u.u;;


something's gone weird with the pics on OSC! i used to be able to just right click and save them, but now they're trying to save as some weird file format called ".webp". :\ it starts from the second pic pent posted in his last post.

is anyone else having this problem? :\
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That's odd; everything's working fine for me

Try using a different web browser just to test, maybe?


opera is doing it to other pages, too. so i guess it's limited to the browser, not the site. :\

also: this is me.

this is how people who barely know me view me and my lifestyle. (click on the pic for a translation.)

this is how people who have viewed my room in person for the first time view me.

how people who have known me for some time view me.

what seems like a rather ideal lifestyle to me.

how i wish the kids at art school would see me.

how they actually see me.

this is how people on the subway view me.

this is how people think i look in the shower. (NSFW)

this is how i actually am in the shower. (the smaller one.)
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