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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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@Bella, Red: Well, if any guy approached me in a sexual manner when in trap mode, I am liable to castrate him >:3

Dr. Kraus

@bells: Yea 1 and 3 represent really well (there is a minimal amount of 1 soda can on my desk AT ALL TAIMS) and I do start to type really fast from time to time making it look like I'm slamming the keyboard to an extent... Though when you take the computer away from me and hand me either a rifle or shotgun, I'm pounding lead down range until:

A. The gun gives out (has happened twice, both times with AR-10's)


B. I'm out of ammo/someone tells me to stop so we can change the target

> mfw I can nail long range targets with an AR-10 but will miss a large amount of birdies when I play trap


Quote from: stewartsage on March 10, 2012, 08:10:24 PM

R: Your glasses are in the way, let me take them off.
L: My body isn't ready!

this is my school uniform, only the tie is white. .___.;;

also, haven't you posted all those pics before?
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@Kraus: Glad to see I didn't botch my perception roles. : p

Also, I freakin' love that GIF you posted... I saw it on Tumblr awhile back and saved it, hahah.

@Kari: I'm pretty sure Stew posted that first pic before, but all the others look new.


i can't shake the feeling that i've seen the others before, here, by stew. maybe i had a damn premonition or something. :\

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From dA:

From the artist's description: Octavia: It's 106 miles to Fillydelphia, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses.
Vinyl: Hit it.

I wish there was a desktop-sized/formatted version of this image.

Awesome Ergo Proxy fanart.

Washington DC is the best state-tan District-tan.


but he's not a -tan. he's a -kun. ^^;
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if luna and celestia were boys?
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Title's "The Old Guard" so I think they're just Day and Night Guardsponies.  Also, I think the one on the right's a mare.


I really like the one on the right. : o

Also, that AT album cover is awesome.

Also also, that gif is SO FREUDIAN.


it IS quite freudian. though freud was a quack, so i guess that makes that transformer secretly a duck. :\

@stew: you SURE that's a mare? sure, s/he has the same hairdo as scootaloo, but it's still a very androgynous hairstyle. :\
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How strangers see me.

How acquaintances view me. (Just replace the  controller, console and game with a graphics tablet, computer and Photoshop)

How close friends/family view me when I'm at a computer.

How I feel.

What I looked like leaving the dentist's office today.


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