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Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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Dr. Kraus


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Dr. Kraus


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Dr. Kraus


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@bella: srsly, what's "expensive" to you? cause "expensive" to me is anything over 20 bucks. :\

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Dr. Kraus


old stuff I just found...


Posted on the KS Dev Blog at around 8:00 AM today



Quote from: Chocofreak13 on September 16, 2011, 10:40:29 AM
@bella: srsly, what's "expensive" to you? cause "expensive" to me is anything over 20 bucks. :\

To me, expensive is relative.

Paying $70 for a tablet I really want and know I'll get good use out of is cheap. I'd rather pay $70 for a quality product than pay half that for a so-so tablet I might have issues with, have to return because it doesn't work well, etc.

To compare, paying $70 for a set of Copic markers or quality colored pencils would be egregious to me, since I don't know if I'll like the medium or be good at it. I'd even be nervous spending $70 on good watercolor equipment, even though I like that medium, because I'm not so good at watercoloring and would be afraid of "wasting" my materials with practice projects (as opposed to digital art, where you'll never run out of materials, aside from having to buy new nibs every few years or replace your tablet if is gets broken.)

The same goes for computers; I pitched in about $700 (out of ~$1400) when buying my iMac, but I desperately needed a new computer and this iMac was on sale at the time so I seized that opportunity. For me, $1400 for a machine that I will use regularly for the next four, five, maybe even six or seven years (basically, whenever I'm FORCED to get a different computer) is "cheap". I've already gotten two years of flawless performance out of it, and to me, it's worth every penny spent.

(Compare and contrast with my previous laptop computer, which we spent ~$1600 on, which averaged about two MAJOR hardware failures and a panoply of software issues every year, starting at the tender age of six months old when it FRIED ITS MOTHERBOARD. [It went through three mobos, btw.])


FACT: The Stig is badass

I think Laptop wants to be like Sonata now


I want a keyboard like this

It's bigger on the inside

You got to love Team Rocket Logic

Steampunk Pokémon!



8-bit Coca-Cola!

I wish I could jump like this

I remember this frustrating me as a kid, because I wanted to see where it'd take me


@bella: expensive is fairly relative, but i still consider $30 worth of neopiko markers expensive, same for $30 worth of groceries or $30 worth of socks. :\
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