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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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EDIT: by the way....

(replaced, since the first link didn't work.)
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This is quite possibly the greatest Cloud cosplay of all time; one that is truly game accurate:


......awesome. 8)

also, on a quiz in game informer earlier, it turns out that if i were a video game character, i'd be cloud strife. :3
now to go yaoi with vincent......

btw, since i adjusted the other picture i put into my last post, count that as my pic for this post. -w-
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Not sure what anime series this clip is from, but I'd really like to know what's going on after reading the subtitle at the bottom:


@Kriz: That is made of win; worthy of my seal of approval:


nerd proposals are always cooler. -w-
@pentium: i would also like to know what anime that is.....
EDIT: it's civil war week!
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...And now for something completely different; a fact that is debatable about wither it's true or not

I mean, I think I'd look good in a schoolgirl's uniform...if I had one


well, that depends on who's wearing it:

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Some of those characters look familiar, but I can't place what series they're from...


*holding plushies of 2 of the characters now, and have the other 4 further down the bed* :3
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*Says something that sounds symbolic*

(Yeah, I had to drop a Bad Movie Beatdown reference eventually)

Still can't place who those characters are, but the one with the green hair keeps making me think of One Piece for some reason...

Dr. Kraus

@choco & Pentium: it is called WORKING! which ended quite a while ago, good show I guess...


That's where I've seen those characters before; NIS America brought that series over here (Although, with a strange new title of "Wagnaria!"), and I saw those characters in one of their newsletters

Chocofreak13 mean your pic? cause neither of mine have been mentioned by name. :\

also, something for nej:
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