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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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if only you could do that in harvest moon :[
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It'd be cool of the game allowed you to carry on a conversation with the horse in horse-speak or something like that. That would be not just awesome, but crazy awesome


lol, horsewhisper power. gain enough levels in equestrian relations and you can gain the centurian doolittle ability! xDD
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Yeah; and you could use your ability to talk to the horses to save the world from zombie-robot-ninja pirates from the village of Hell, Norway.

Anyway, here's a rare picture of an early prototype Windows Vista:
Actually a photoshopped pic I made out of boredom a few months after Vista came out


i wanna play reversi ;^;
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I was let down when I learned that they had Reversi in older versions of Windows, but removed it in 3.1 (Sure, there's an online version in newer versions of Windows, but I'd like to have a single-player option in case I want to play a round and I'm in a place where I have no internet access at all)

EDIT: Also, here's a similar pic of Windows 2.0


niiice xD

also, i bet we could download a version. :\
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"C-could you move p-please?"

I want a pair of those panties. :|

Pictures like this reenforce my theory that Panther-tan would be the only person in the OSX family who Leopard-tan gets along with.

Snooooooow Leoppppppppaaaaard

Everybody's favorite patch-eyed dominatrix.

Snowwwwwwwww Leeeeeeeopard

Lion-tan looks cute and harmless and all, but I assure you that's just a cover.

That's some epic posing there, Tiger-tan

More Cheetah-tan


Panther again

This is the One True Windows 7-tan... at least she would be in my stories' canon -w-

It's the wings. It's totally the wings.

A nice full-body shot of Snow! And, someone else.

Art nouveau Windows 1.0!


gimme a link to pixiv. that is, unless, you're volunteering to take over my job. >:[
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Oh man, I looked forever for a DD of that translated doujin.  Totally worth it to see the Major in action; I'm just glad she didn't die like the real Major Miles did.

Mmm, genderflipped Accelerator.  And a labcoat on Last Order.  For you, Nej.


Appreciated, colonel. Muchly. _W_


And there's Misaka Worst on the right.  Still, Give me Misaka Imouto 10032 anyday.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


@Choco: If you have access to an installation of Windows 3.0, you can copy the files for Reversi and still play it on every version of Windows made since as long as it isn't a 64-bit edition (Unless, like me, you have Windows 2000 setup on an emulator for this sort of thing)


@pentium: the earliest OS i have current access to is ME. i had a 98SE disk a few years kinda poofed on me...along with my 2000 disk.....

i really need to clean......

@bella: before you read that, please know that i'm never angry about new os-tan pics, or at you. i'm just a bit annoyed that there's one more source to tap, since there's still so much to do anyway.

if possible, could you give me a link to where you got those pics? i like to have them so 1. i can keep tabs on the resources for new posts/pics, and 2. so i can tap said resources and drain them for all they've got. ^^
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@Choco: I can attempt to rip the files from the discs for Windows 3.0 I have lying around, if they're still any good, and send it to you. I just have to unhook 2k-tan and setup the Yeti when I get home...