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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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sounds pretty cool, bro. :0

(sorry if that's slightly nsfw)

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I remember seeing stuff on this in my lurking of dA. TBH, I'd maybe play it had it been a free download and not a $25 Steam game; I mean, for fuck's sake, I could name off an endless list of Steam games you can buy for less than that and get a far more enjoyable experience :\


...that's certainly a thing, I guess? Oh well.



Quote from: Chocofreak13 on February 21, 2015, 11:28:04 AM

Needs moar furries and about 25% more obscure fetishes to be able to live up to that title.

Dr. Kraus

You kids think you are going to get away with this?


Indeed. For about the same price, you can pick both of these up on Steam:





Quote from: Bella on February 21, 2015, 12:58:07 PM
Needs moar furries and about 25% more obscure fetishes to be able to live up to that title.

oh trust me, it so fucking well does. i was just avoiding spamming the area with furries to avoid the implication that it was solely furry.

and honestly, how is mixed gender breast expansion sex-swapping science blender (literal blender) furry tinted group lovin' shenanigans not an obscure enough fetish for you?
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Joel is best

Also, he's a magical girl, apparently

If this lamp was real, I'd want it


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Where are those available? I needs one *w*

Dr. Kraus

The feeling you get when you take a couple of days to play all the way through Ace Combat 4 - 6

AC ZERO is always going to have a special place on my shelf along with AC5 both are my favorites but ZERO tops out just because of the amazing writing for "Solowing Pixy" and the
one quote that has stuck with me for a really long time.


@pent: i think thinkgeek had them at one point? google "mario mushroom desk lamp" and you'll get the results i did. :0
click to make it bigger


Found it. It's USB powered and only runs about $10 :3

Also, for Bella and/or Cockle:

Sometimes I think I need to stop browsing yuri blogs; too much cute >w<

As I dive into the complex laberyth of my unsorted bookmarks folder, I find I have a lot of pics bookmarked I intended to post but never did. Such as more yuri -w-;

On a note unrelated to yuri, a certain comic book reviewer I like made a cameo in an issue of Littlest Pet Shop (Note the second panel)

Gender-flipped Death the Kid? Gender-flipped Death the Kid -w-

I think she's from Touhou? IDK; bunny costume + swords = win

I think I've posted this before, but regardless, a Sailor Scout

Maid~ >w<

My favorite quote from last year's AT4W Christmas episode

Sounds like Kari

If Kriz is lurking, he'll like this :3