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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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lol. and that may be one of the best valentines ever. >w<
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Indeed :3

I found Bella's bento


awesome. I wish I was capable of bentos of that caliber.
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Dr. Kraus

So Tekkoshocon 2014 has come to a close which completes my 2nd year of staff in Convention Operations and I have acquired more goods!

Kill La Kill post cards

Kill La Kill Print

Lulu hat!

Imperial Miku fig hanging out with Racing Miku 2013

Here are some of the better cosplays I saw this year!

Kill La Kill gang (nonon wasn't present at the time :< )

Touhou gang

Komachi switched to Keine!



Lolita Dark playing at the staff after party at the Hard Rock Cafe, their cover of "Killing in the name of" by Rage Against The Machine was their closer for the first set and they absolutely nailed it!

Gacharic Spin was the band we flew in from Japan this year and they really rocked it but I liked Lolita Dark because they knew how to handle an American crowd


sweet, bro! been wondering where you were. where's the con, PA?

also dat Japanese performer is adorable. xD (as is dat miku figurine. ^^ )
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What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


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Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 07, 2014, 05:40:21 PM
sweet, bro! been wondering where you were. where's the con, PA?

also dat Japanese performer is adorable. xD (as is dat miku figurine. ^^ )

Yea, its here in Pittsburgh! I'll be staffing again next year in Convention Operations but as a senior staffer this time!

Forgot to post my Sona beer glass that was in the dishwasher when I was taking the pictures, lazer carved!

Here is Lolita Dark's cover of "Killing in The Name" that they preformed to close out their set! They are in a studio though, the recording from the con isn't out yet...


@Cockle: Seconding Kari

This guy's got skills


Pardon the double post

Today is the 3-year anniversary of when 2k-tan the Desktop first booted :3



your daily dose of COURAGE.

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Nice -w-

In a week, CAH will happen


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Nice on the first one xDD


read each one slowly and picture the consequences of that happening. Madoka makes contract with Kyuubey? suddenly she's monochrome and drooling on the ground. :0
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