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Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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Doc: I don't think you want a more sophisticated analysis....

New idea for Maid RPG: Ponies.


Still want to do Maid RPG eventually

Meanwhile, on Bella's desk...




What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.

Dr. Kraus

Only a couple more hours until IT BEGINS



Dr. Kraus

You have a front row seat to the war if shit really goes down my friend, good luck out there

Now we just wait...


#include <heavysarcasm>

Oh man you guys. This situation in Ukraine is HILARIOUS. All the death, suffering and civil unrest. And imperialism! (Imperialism is my favorite in case you couldn't tell.) Man, this is the most entertaining fucking thing since the Syrian Civil War - god, that was a hoot. Maybe we'll get lucky and there will be an all-out slaughter of the Ukrainian citizens! Chemical weapons and conventional warfare are really the only things missing at this point, which is sad, but we can hold out hope!

Lol, Slavic people. Always up to something! They just can't control themselves. I'm so glad they're amusing to you western european people. Because there totally aren't any weird racist overtones at all. The thought it silly - whites can't be racist against whites. Tumblr told me so! Besides, it wouldn't be my place to call you out on racist dipshittery (assuming there was any racist dipshittery going on! We're just talking in hypotheticals here...) because i'm just a stupid ethnic Slav myself. Like i just said, we're too angry and unreasonable to think straight about these sorts of things - and probably drunk too! lol! :)



It's not entertainment, Bella. This relief is not comic.


@Bella: Are you sure you didn't mean that post for HBT? :\


@Nej: That's good to know.

@Pent: I'm certain I didn't mean to post that in HBT, but my sentiment applies there as well.

Honestly I don't mind seeing historic wars made light of or even outright glorified (with the obvious exception of leaders / combatants / groups that committed crimes against humanity - the Nazis, various communist regimes, slave owning Confederates, etc.) but I'm slightly more pissed off seeing a spectacle made of an ongoing conflict, especially one involving a nation that has a long history of misfortune (Ukraine) and another that has a long history of imperialism, colonialism and human rights abuses (Russia). (Just to clarify, I'm talking about the government here and don't mean to suggest Russians themselves are bad people.) There are a lot of amazing parts of Russian history / culture to glorify but their history of colonialism and oppression isn't one of them, I guess is what I'm getting at.

Dr. Kraus

eh, I don't really see it as that big of an issue with everyone getting up in arms about it just because Russia wants to pubstomp Ukraine while we have done the same to Iraq and Afghanistan. If war really were to break out with Ukraine attempting to fight off Russia they would probably last around a month a the most, there is the possibility of Poland joining in so that would drag everything out around a year or so.

I just find it interesting to watch everything play out from the sidelines and if Ukraine gets pubstomped by Russia then whatever, I don't want to get involved with that militarily or anything because another fucking war would have everyone flipping their tables because AMERICA doesn't need another war.

Best of luck to the Ukrainians, I'll keep watch on the short wave radio when you decide to start the war.