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Started by Tenkohime, June 22, 2011, 09:35:32 PM

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Ah... i see -w-

Maybe im misusing rebellious. I dont mean rebellious as much as disconnected. As in shes not as sociable with the other Windows-Tans when shes "in rt mode" per say.

Also, a bit of disconnection period with the oldest Windows-Tans (3.1, 95, 98) was something i planned on adding to her personality. Like maybe the occasional misguided comment sounding like an insult, and things like that.

And i was meaning a step forward more as in the os, not the tan. As far as the tan, i think Aya would be a bit naive, in a sense.

Also, i dont know if shed be working directly WITH the other tans, though i never thought of that come to think of it.

I figured on her having sort of 2 lives with the Pro/RT thing. Like, her day life (Pro) being somewhat professional (though not as much as some other tans), hanging out with other Windows Tans, working on documents, etc. While her night life (RT) shed be partying, socializing with Non-Windows OS-tans and App-tans, behaving somewhat like the "Barney Stenson" of OS-Tans in ways (If you get that reference). I know other Win-tans hang out with Non win-tans, but i mean total disconnection (unable to be contacted by Win-tans, ignoring any chance to spend time with them, etc..), since os-wise Windows 8 RT is barely even windows, since it only uses Metro apps and has a desktop only for file browsing and control panel really.

I also think Windows 8 should have a close friendship/sisterhood with Nanami, since Windows 8 shares a lot of code with Windows 7 if im not mistaken.

You know I'm really loving the input. in fact i would love for more ideas and suggestions on what i could do to-change/add-to/remove-from her. its helping a lot, and i would really love it if people helped me to make her the best she can be.

(Im also wondering if i should scrap the RT part all together. maybe 2 OS-Tans for 8 could be better, though im not very sure. just a random idea.)
Official -tans are my bat signal.


I wouldn't make them separate -tans, tbh - going from what I know of the differences between Windows 8 and RT (and what I've read on wikipedia), there really doesn't seem to be enough to make RT into its own separate personification.


if you really feel like it's a radical personality shift, maybe make her with a split personality. they DO have heterochromic eyes in 3DCG, y'know....

'disconnected' sounds a lot more appropriate, tbh. as it is any windows who interacts with a mac could be considered 'rebellious' in the eyes of some of the older -tans, so 'rebellious' isn't really descriptive enough. i like the idea of her occasionally making off-hand remarks that might come across as verbal bitch-slaps to the older -tans (whether they're intended that way or not). (as i said before, TK takes offense to being called 'older hardware'. ^^; )

-tans working together comes up semi-frequently. i always think of them in a comic context; they might not always cross paths, but being prepared in case it happens is a good idea. what this means for 8-tan is that you should give some thought as to what it might be like for her to work with a particular -tan. would she favour anyone(besides nanami)? is there anyone she'd try to avoid? what about -tans/-kuns she isn't working with? does she have any close friends, enemies/rivals, or love interests? and how is her familial relationship with her sisters, especially WinPhone-tan?

that's all i can think of for now, dude.
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I haven't been following this thread, but here comes the official version, courtesy of Akihabara:

Looks like Madobe is a family name now. heh


Wow. Cool! (Its nice theres official versions now.)
And one of them does look like the silhouette at the end of the Through The Window MMD by Masataka P & Electrocutica.
(now that one thinks about it they probably knew about the official one before anyone else.)
Official -tans are my bat signal.


i know it's unintentional, but it's a pet peeve of mine when people mix up the "offical" mascots. Nanami was not created by Microsoft, nor was Yu or Ai. Claudia and Hikaru (as well as her sisters and Claudia's brother) are the brainchild of Microsoft, however. that might be why Claudia is considered Nanami's cousin, not her sister. :\

with that in mind, though, i like the look of them, and i imagine they'll be getting plenty of art. typically i follow the -tan that gets the most canon artwork, so i guess these two might be it. i still like the blue-haired one in the gallery, though. i also hope they port the themepacks back to 7, since while i don't like the 8 OS, i do like moe stuff. -w-
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I'm probably gonna be supporting Dustii's 8-tan, because I tend to give well-thought-out OSC designs a higher priority.

That, and, I really consider this new Windows 8 mascot just that - a mascot - which is different from a fanmade OS-tan in my mind. (Same goes for Nanami, though I pretty much consider her a proper OS-tan at this point because no better fanmade Windows 7-tan design exists).


Those designs are kind of "meh" in my eyes; they don't really interest me
In before Japanese canon vs. OSC fanon flamewar


@bella: not to sound grumpy, but when you put the italics on for the 'well thought out' part, it comes across as a wee bit insulting.
besides, i tend to follow the canon. and they're too new to really have developed much of a personality yet. and even if it doesn't, that gives me the freedom to develop it on my own, as i see fit. we're both right here, as while the japanese canon might be paramount to me, we also create the canon ourselves, considering the japanese creation process is pretty much limited to pixiv and 2ch.

@pent: i'll agree that the 'normal' hair feels like a bit of a letdown, but then, the os is a letdown too, so maybe it fits. xDDD

that said, i STILL like the blue haired one in the gallery. and dustii's. so idk which i'll use. but i typically lean canon. with that in mind, though, i think i like Yu a little bit better. (though Yu was a poor choice of name, given there's an Aizawa Yu already in microsoft.)

hm, should we ascribe names to the ones in the gallery already? i wanna pick the blue one's name. -w-
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Whoops, I thought it was clear I was implying that Dustii-san's design is well-thought-out. If not, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

I'm just saying, I will always give priority to a -tan design that has been given a personality with quirks and flaws, references to the system within the character design, familial relationships and friends, etc. (which, in this case is Dustii's design) over a nice-looking anime girl who's personality is still-undefined, if it even exists (as is the case with the official[?] Windows 8 mascot design).

I guess what I'm getting at is, in my mind personality and backstory is paramount to a character, not which nation it originated in or whether it has the most fanart. Better to be a fully-fleshed-out character only drawn a few times, than a good-looking design fanarted ad-nauseum yet still lacking a personality as far as anyone knows. x)


i agree that dustii's is a good 8-tan. great, in fact. (there are some things that i don't like, but hey, ya can't like everything about something.) in a comic format, though, i can give my own tweaks to the character to make them fit in naturally to the flow of things. plus, this will sound vain, but i don't really wanna draw an ugly character (unless they're on purpose). not to say any of the -tans are ugly. but i don't like how there's no progression from one to the next. frankly, claudia's design was confusing at first since i was just like, "she's nanami's cousin, but she's blonde....what?". in this case, having the sister progression go from blue to brown with no prompting is a little weird in my book. that's part of the reason i favour the blue-haired one a bit, because she actually looks like she's related to the other win-tans. to date, i can name 4 win-tans with brown hair, and all 4 are DOS based. :\

i still want to name the other 8-tans. i like dustii's name of Aya (which, according to behind the name can be written as 彩 (colour), 綾 (design) or 絢 (kimono design) ), but to build on that, how about Ayano (綾乃, meaning "Design" with the possessive particle "no" at the end) for blue-haired 8-tan and Ayako (綾子 , "Design Child") for WinPhone-tan?
(Picture Here)
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Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on October 14, 2012, 12:38:53 PM
for WinPhone-tan? (Picture Here)

That is visual studio-tan on the right, what you use to programme/develop for the Windows 7 Mobile platform

the one on the left would have to be Windows Phone 7-tan because it clearly says "Developers how-to 02" in both Japanese and English

Its impossible that the one on the right would be Windows 8-tan with that logo and colour scheme and the one on the right would have to be Windows 7 Phone-tan because without Visual Studio-tan supporting her, she would be unusable. 

More prof would be the image that clearly label VS-tan/Visual Studio-tan as being VS-tan thus detroying the idea that she is Windows 8-tan:

also, why use that kind of logo to represent windows 8-tan when the official logo can and does work much better

with that, my job here is done *flies away to developer land*


didn't i say once that there's a fine line between being informative and one-upping someone....? >>;;

okay, fine. ayano and ayako for studio developer-tan and phone-tan. i think i'll leave this thread. >>;
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Dr. Kraus


Don't recall but I can assure you that I wasn't trying to "one-up" you in any way shape or form with my post. I just saw an error and proceeded to correct it in a way I thought was informative with citing sources that back up what I was claiming.

I'll admit I was pretty critical with how I went about my previous post but that is just how I go about my posting.


Jesus, you Americans really need to relax and not take everything seriously or personal.

*flys of to LoL land*


aren't you american, too? you mentioned once going to a band event....

that said, we really need to have an osc-wide talk about what is informative and what is just showing off. >>;

but w/e. you like the names for the two? (and i might co-opt developer-tan, since the 8 designs largely are "meh" to me.)
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