Forum Games: What would you prefer?

Started by Pitkin, May 05, 2011, 04:41:41 PM

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Catching myself mixing up threads

WWYP: A coffee mug that's bigger on the inside, or one that just looks like a TARDIS?


bigger on the inside. INFINITE TEA

wwyp: infinite soda or infinite tea?
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Infinite tea >:3

WWYP: To be somewhere dangerous, or to be somewhere that the tea is getting cold?


cold tea is better than danger, since if i can find a microwave i can fix the problem. >>;

wwyp: What Would Beowulf Do or What Would Grendel Do?
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The latter, I guess?

WWYP: Confusion or a cat with a pop tart for a body?


nyan cat. (though if you're confused, i reccomend reading Beowulf. i liked it so much my high school teacher let me keep my school copy.)

wwyp: elder scrolls or fable?
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Elder Scrolls

WWYP: Doom or Goldeneye?


goldeneye. i already own it and the system for it. >w>

wwyp: having the ingredients but nothing to prepare them with, or vice versa?
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The former

WWYP: Plush TARDIS or TARDIS coffee mug?


plushie <333

wwyp: out of spells or out of weapons?
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Out of spells, because I can continue fighting with my sword

WWYP: White Mage or Black Mage?


black mage, because i wear the colour better.

wwyp: a spoof of grease or a spoof of mamma mia?
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Spoof of Grease

WWYP: 3 original PlayStations taped together or or a PlayStation 3?


ps3, since i already have 2 ps1s.

wwyp: falling down the up escalator or falling up it?
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Falling up, since I wouldn't tumble all the way down >_<;

WWYP: Being able to run fact but incapable of swimming, or being able to swim for long distances but being incapable of moving on land?