Forum Games: What would you prefer?

Started by Pitkin, May 05, 2011, 04:41:41 PM

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'45 sedan. Can't argue with a classic :3

WWYP: Bacon salt, or salty bacon?


bacon salt, since i gave some as a christmas present. -w-

wwyp: really awesome really late christmas present or crappy on time christmas present?
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Really awesome really late Christmas present. Those are a rare breed, but they're almost always the best one ^_^

WWYP: Agumon or Gatomon?


Agumon is awesome, but Gatomon. forever.


wwyp: a stranger naming your firstborn or [insert most hated person here] naming your firstborn?
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A stranger. I'd rather my boss not name my child >_<

WWYP: Crappy year-old PC or badass 13-year-old PC?


the latter. especially, since i can likely get it for FREEEEEEEEEE~~~

wwyp: being woken up by a whistle or being put to sleep with chloroform?
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Woken up with a whistle. I don't like the idea of the latter >_<

WWYP: Banana stickers or Apple logo stickers?


apple logo stickers. ^^

wwyp: a bandaid that's too sticky or not sticky enough?
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Too sticky. It's painful to remove, but at least it'll stay put while it's needed

WWYP: Having your best Pokémon be defeated by a Magneton, or by an inanimate candy wrapper?


magneton, since at least that's hard to beat.

wwyp: discovering a new eevee or having all the current ones?
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Discovering a new Eevee. That would be awesome

WWYP: Not enough USB ports, or too many USB ports?


too many. there's no such as too many.

wwyp: all of your favourite anime being licensed so it's (technically) illegal to torrent, or none of your favourite anime being translated?
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The former. I can't speak Japanese, so not being translated at all wouldn't help me

WWYP: Someone overreacting over a papercut, or going "It's just a flesh wound" after being dismembered?


the latter. wimps need not apply. ><;;

wwyp: someone who gives up too easily or someone who soldiers on even when they're getting hurt?
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The latter. Be like a honey badger >:3

WWYP: To be, or not to be?