Forum Games: What would you prefer?

Started by Pitkin, May 05, 2011, 04:41:41 PM

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T-shirt and shorts in winter (in a house which was accidentally heated too warm).

WWYP: A baby boar or a huge boar?


baby. cause i could try to train it. >:3

wwyp: your bedroom to be freezing or to be boiling? (my winter and summer, respectively :3)
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WWYP: Departing on an adventure on a grand fashion, or sneaking out in the middle of the night?


sneaking out. sneaking around is fun in general, and nighttime just makes it better. -w-

wwyp: peaches or plums?
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Peaches. Peachy...

WWYP: 1-Up Mushroom or Super Mushroom?


1-up. that way, the fear of dying dissapears! I WONDER WHAT THAT TRAIN FEELS LIKE~~~

wwyp: the ability to come back from the dead whenever you wish or the ability to do that to anyone else?
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The former

WWYP: Piggies or tacos?


tacos for the starving!!

wwyp: endless hiccups or endless sneezing fit?
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Endless hiccups. The latter is what allergy season can be like for me on a bad day >_<

WWYP: Golden Banana or a Star?


a star, since that means i could run on subway tracks in short bursts.

wwyp: threats of damnnation or threats or threats of eviction?
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The latter. I have people who would take me in

WWYP: A bagel or Bagel Bites?


bagel bites, i want pizza.....

wwyp: dinosaur bones or crazy bones?
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Crazy bones

WWYP: Cold hands or cold feet?


cold feet. since then i just put on socks.

wwyp: endless sleep or endless waking?
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Endless waking. My dreams can be cool, but they can only go so far

WWYP: A sandwich inside a sandwich, or a car inside a car?