Forum Games: What would you prefer?

Started by Pitkin, May 05, 2011, 04:41:41 PM

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Someone who's insane, like my bro-in-law can be from time to time. It's more fun

WWYP: Being a pop tart cat in space or a long cat?


long cat, so people can run across my back and get to places. :3

wwyp: being ditched or having annoying people never leave you alone?
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ditched, as I'm used to it.. but can never get used to annoying people.

wwyp: you're arguing with a slow person, explain to the fella whats your point even if he wont get it that fast or leave the arguing and let the fella think he win to realize he's an idiot later(although I wont be that way most the time)??


i try to let it go, but if it's a particularly frusterating thing i'd explain my point.

wwyp: being caught red handed on national tv or being caught red handed by a parent?
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By a parent

WWYP: Wing Cap Mario or Tails?


wing cap mario, even though tails is cute, cause i've played the mario games.

wwyp: the girl of your dreams being stolen out from under you, or losing the girl yourself?
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The latter. I hate guys who try to steal someone's girlfriend

WWYP: Being a samurai or a ninja?


i think ninja would be more useful in retrospect. :\

wwyp: not being able to ride a bike or skate?
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Not being able to skate. It's already true. Oh, the nightmare at school. ;_;

WWYP: a cheque or a wire transfer?


Wire transfer

WWYP: fighting with a really big gun, or driving the van to get everyone else to the battlefield?


driving the van. i can run them over and i don't even have a license! >:3

wwyp: having to be driven everywhere but being badass or being able to drive yourself but lacking in badass spirit?
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The former. I like being able to drive, but being badass is better

WWYP: A place with nice comfortable chair but with a mediocre internet connection, or a place with nowhere comfortable to sit but an awesome internet connection?


awesome internet connection, I rather stand getting my stuff done faster.

wwyp: a shelter without roof or a shelter without walls?


Without walls. If it rains, it keeps me and Asagi dry

WWYP: Moogle or Chocobo?


Chocobo. i love the moogles, but the chocobos seem so much more useful. and they're cute to boot. ^^

wwyp: not being able to stay awake till the end or being awake too much?
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