Forum Games: What would you prefer?

Started by Pitkin, May 05, 2011, 04:41:41 PM

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Motorboating; so I can cruise down the Mississippi with "I'm On A Boat" blaring from my stereo

WWYP: Card games on motorcycles or on land with ancient Egyptian lasers


motorcycles. -w-

WWYP: inside-out cookie or meat?

(also, when i saw "motorboating", something else came to mind. .///.; )
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Cookie; it sounds less messy unless by "cookie" and "meat", you mean "naughty bits"...than yeah; it'd probably be very messy

WWYP: Being a Pokémon trainer or a Cardcaptor?

(For the record, I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw "Motorboating")


(i meant actual food)

Pokemon trainer. Being a Card Captor would be badass and all, but your power is limited by the number of cards.....while the list of pokemon keeps growing and growing *w*

WWYP: Giving a disease to everyone you touch or receiving it?
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Receiving it; if only to make it into the record books for having the most diseases before dieing and likely beating out Charlie Sheen for the title in the process. Winning!

WWYP: Spaghetti or ravioli?


spaghetti. unless the ravioli was filled with my mom's meat sauce. <9~~

WWYP: Chef Boyardee or Chef Zeff?
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Boyardee. I've never heard of Zeff

WWYP: Toast or bagel?


Bagel. Moar noms that way.

WWYP: sitting in blood, or sitting in ketchup?

(also, Chef Zeff is Sanji's mentor in One Piece)
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Sitting in ketchup. It's less squickly

WWYP: The Who's Tommy or Pink Floyd's The Wall?

(Also, I haven't read much of One Piece. I like it from reading the first volume, though)


The Wall. I have yet to hear Tommy.

WWYP: White Rice or Seasoned Rice?
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Seasoned rice. White rice alone is too plain

WWYP: Super Mario 64 or Banjo-Kazooie?


Super Mario. DK64 beats Banjo-Kazooie in the plot and graphics department. -w-

WWYP: To wake up with a young man or old lady in your bed?
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Young man, as long as it was just strictly sharing a bed; with nothing questionable happening during the night

WWYP: Dead parrot or Spam?


Spam. so i could carve it.

WWYP: turning into paper or fabric?
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Fabric; then somebody could turn me into a plushie of the Weighted Companion Cube

WWYP: Your love being in jeopardy, or losing on Jeopardy!?