Forum Games: What would you prefer?

Started by Pitkin, May 05, 2011, 04:41:41 PM

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Favorite video game character :3

WWYP: Being forced to do something you don't want to do, or having to jump through hoops to do the stuff you want to do?


the former. i'm too lazy for the latter. xDD

wwyp: the unpleasant discovery that you're out of physical space or virtual space?
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The latter, as adding more hard drives is easier than adding on a new room to a house ^_^;

WWYP: Hot dog or sausage?


hot dog.

wwyp: hot dog or hot nurse?
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Hello nurse~! >:3

WWYP: Pinky & the Brain, or Animaniacs?


pinky and the b----animani----CAN'T DECIDE *head explodes*

wwyp: being able to make others' heads explode, or make your own explode and reform w/o any amage?
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The former. Then, I can totally blow people's minds >:3

WWYP: Stu making chocolate pudding at 4 in the morning, or Stew making chocolate pudding at 4 in the morning?


our comrade making the doughnuts pudding.

wwyp: some random spell/mind trick from a tv show or movie working irl, or some physical stunt from a tv show or movie working irl?
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The former. I could use the Jedi mind trick >:3

WWYP: Ubuntu or Fedora?


i believe you've asked this before. ubuntu, but only because i'd have more use for it.

wwyp: $2000 windows or $5 mac?
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$5 Mac. I already have a $2k Windows PC :3

WWYP: Twin 1TB external hard drives, or exactly 2048 1GB flash drives?


the former. i'd have more use for them.

wwyp: being forced to run a flash drive OS for all computer functions from here on out (being forced to run on puppy linux forever) or being forced to run an OS which is always 20 years out of date (being forced to run Windows 3.1 forever)?
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The latter. I couldn't survive long on my Fedora LiveUSB, while I can make 3.11 do stuff :3

WWYP: Fries or onion rings?


the former.

wwyp: garlic sticks or onion bagel?
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Onion bagel. Sounds awesome :3

WWYP: Feeling sleepy, or feeling silly?