Forum Games: What would you prefer?

Started by Pitkin, May 05, 2011, 04:41:41 PM

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the latter, as i already have somewhat of the former. >>;

wwyp: the ability to shed off any bruise, scrape, cut, or burn (or other skin wound), or the ability to fuse your bones/tendons/etc back together when they get separated?
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The former. Unlike my dad, I've never broken a bone; so the latter wouldn't be very useful -w-

WWYP: Spring or fall?


fall, surprisingly. though i DO love spring lilacs....

wwyp: spray-on hair or pill-form toast?
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Pill-form toast

WWYP: Eating your favorite dish in a meal first, or saving the awesomeness of it for last?


splitting it in half and eating part now, part later. -w-

wwyp: coming up with your own answer or your own intrepretation of an answer?
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The latter :3

WWYP: Popcorn chicken, or chicken sandwich?


the former.

wwyp: live goldfish or goldfish crackers?
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Goldfish crackers

WWYP: Bar soap or liquid soap?


liquid. less chance for germs.

wwyp: jello or ground beef?
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Right now, Jello :3

WWYP: A stack of money with googly-eyes, or a gecko talking to you about car insurance?


the latter, as the former creeps me out. >>;;

wwyp: indestructible furniture or clothes?
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Indestructible clothes. Frak yeah >:3

WWYP: A bobblehead that looks like my cat, or another cat that resembles my cat? :3


2x the cat.

wwyp: not being able to get back something precious or getting back something you really, really never wanted to see again?
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The latter, as I can always attempt again to get rid of it

WWYP: To live in a gingerbread house or a house made of Lego?


the latter, as it wouldn't go bad. and if i had help, i could build a completely new style of house.

wwyp: misleading names or extremely obvious ones?
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