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Started by SleepyD, March 29, 2011, 02:43:29 AM

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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 18, 2013, 07:17:21 PM
@sleepy: i'm INFP.
Huh, that's interesting. I would have pegged you as an SP type. E/I-SFP, specifically, is my guess.
At least, that's the image I get from what you post.


I'm gloriously split both ways, filling up lots of different types all at once and switching between them as I go.

I have limited ammunition for some of them, though; I can be very extrovert and talkative at times (like at big parties and stuff), but I usually run out of patience after an hour or three.

I'm like Arceus jugglin' all these types yo dawg


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 18, 2013, 07:17:21 PM
sucks that your parents didn't approve. arcade lady sounds nice. :\ (and what do they mean, "used" woman!?)

she was nice, but she had already had a couple kids... ergo, not a virgin, ergo "used"


@Sleepy: What is INFP? :\

@Nej: I can be like that. Generally I'm very quiet and keep to myself, but sometimes I'm talkative


Lol @ "used/damaged goods". What are they, otaku fanboys obsessing over their Waifu or something?


@Pent: INFP is one of 16 types of the MBTI/Myers-Briggs personality thing.

@Nejin: since you say you need a break from socializing after a while in order to recharge, that squarely pegs you as an introvert. All types have introverted and extroverted traits. The E/I part just gives you your main function.

It's important that you don't take the letters as isolated from each other. NF's are quite different from NT's, for example. The combination of letters defines your overall type, and cognitive functions: Feeling, iNtuition, Thinking, and Sensing.

INFP is as follows:
Primary: Introverted Feeling
"Being inward-turning, the natural attraction is away from world and toward essence and ideal." I hold myself to these idealistic standards, which makes me tend to perfectionism. I also will attach worth to all things, people and inanimate objects, based on the good they provide to my inner world. This ideal also makes me want to avoid conflict, while at the same time, wanting to solve conflict in order to maintain this harmonious ideal.

Secondary: Extraverted iNtuition
Constantly exploring alternatives to things. Never seeing things in black and white. More concerned about the big picture rather than delving deep into a single topic. "Extraverted intuition faces outward, greeting the world on behalf of [Introverted] Feeling. What the observer usually sees is creativity with implied good will. Intuition spawns this type's philosophical bent and strengthens pattern perception."

Tertiary: Introverted Sensing
I reference and re-live past experiences a lot to make judgments in the present and future. "This stealth function in the third position gives INFPs a natural inclination toward absent-mindedness and other-worldliness, however, Feeling's strong people awareness provides a balancing, mitigating effect."

Inferior: Extraverted Thinking
Weakest function, this function sees how to get things done and the most efficient way to do it. If harnessed, I can keep my intuition and feeling functions in check so that I can stop getting distracted and get things done. Being my weakest function, it's not easy for me to do so, but I am definitely capable of this method of thought. Also being my weakest function, it can manifest itself when my core values are attacked, and I become a stubborn bastard--stark contrast to the wishy washy, idealistic feeling and intuitive functions.

There's always a bad side to things, even with my primary feeling function. My introverted feeling can (and has) come off as selfish. As in, "I'm only helping you because that will make me feel better." I often have no answer to that... usually it happens in an argument, and I can't completely deny it. It makes me feel like crap.

Oh also, my personality type really like to learn about myself, so this personality typing is VERY appealing to me. haha



I'm not sure if this fits in with that, but I have a tendency to try to think things over; like, if something is bothering me, I try to figure out what the cause is. It's far from perfect, as sometimes I reach the wrong conclusion ^^;;


Basically, the myers-briggs typing tries to categorize how you see, think, and interact with the world around you and with yourself.

There are 16 different combinations of types, and I find it fascinating that how well they describe things. Of course, one must take care not to stereotype according to this stuff. We're all different and even having 16 boxes for people leaves a LOT of room for variation within a single type.


figure out your type here.

1. outside world sucks compared to my private heaven. it's like the Evanessence song "Imaginary".
2. like my mum, i tend to speculate about things when i don't have all the facts. filling in the blanks, if you will.
3. just like how i like music on a song-by-song basis and anime on a series-by-series basis rather than following a particular band or genre, i see every situation as different. you can't generalize life.
4. keeping an open mind is an important part of creativity. i question every truth, even things well-established, like reality. (after all, what proof do we have that we AREN'T merely sims being created and played with in some computer simulation by some larger entity?)
click to make it bigger


So, apparently I'm an ISFP

1: When at work, I rarely socialize; preferring to focus more on my job than anything else. I do occasionally talk with others, but I'd rather focus on doing my job well. I don't like not being around people, but it's a matter of wanting to be around like-minded people; which feels rare.
2: I tend to have a pretty good memory of things that happened to me. Also, I prefer to work with the facts when figuring out something, but will resort to speculation if I don't have all the clues.
3: I do think more about trying to keep the peace, and also try to think of what would be best for me and my friends
4: I tend to be very casual and often spontaneous. However, that's not to say I like it when people spring plans on me at the absolute last minute; as far as work goes, I prefer to be kept on a regular schedule.


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 19, 2013, 03:32:13 AM
figure out your type here.

1. outside world sucks compared to my private heaven. it's like the Evanessence song "Imaginary".
2. like my mum, i tend to speculate about things when i don't have all the facts. filling in the blanks, if you will.
3. just like how i like music on a song-by-song basis and anime on a series-by-series basis rather than following a particular band or genre, i see every situation as different. you can't generalize life.
4. keeping an open mind is an important part of creativity. i question every truth, even things well-established, like reality. (after all, what proof do we have that we AREN'T merely sims being created and played with in some computer simulation by some larger entity?)
your sentiment in 1 seems to go a little against my experience as an INFP in that while I do prefer my internal world over the outside, I still regard the world as inherently good. But, there are more cynical INFPs out there that are completely disillusioned with the world. That said, seeing things through rose-colored glasses is a very INFP trait to have. I imagine INFPs that have rejected the world aren't very happy, since it really goes against that desire for harmony.

Also, I've found that this long test is more accurate than most tests I've taken.
It also has a link to a shorter test if you don't have the time.

Every time, I'm comfortably INFP. Of course, I don't take it too often. There's a bias that sets in where you end up marking things that are for your type instead of what you really feel yourself.
In addition, it scores the enneagram type, of which mine is Type 9. info on that here:

Pent: I love this guy's videos, and I wish he'd make more:
Do you relate?
He also makes an important point that the types are NOT a limiting thing. No one type is any better in any task than another. They just go about them differently and get enjoyment from different things in different ways.

Also, ISFP and INFP has the same primary function, with internal feeling, which makes sense to me, given our past conversations.


<-- INTJ
Have original minds and great drive for implementing their ideas and achieving their goals. Quickly see patterns in external events and develop long-range explanatory perspectives. When committed, organize a job and carry it through. Skeptical and independent, have high standards of competence and performance – for themselves and others.


Quote from: SleepyD on April 18, 2013, 02:54:50 PM
On that note, how about I change the topic a bit. I'm fairly sure I test as INFP on the Myers-Briggs personality test.
Here's a good explanation by contrast that really resonates with me and my internal motivations:

I got INFP on an online Myers-Briggs personality test. However, it seemed a bit short and the site looked a little sketchy, so I'll have to retake it on the site you linked. -w-


interesting interesting. Feel free to continue posting types. Looks like we're mostly (if not all) introverted here.

So to keep this topic from getting too stuck in this MBTI stuff. I want to pose a tangentially related question:
What sort of impression do I give to you? Good things? Bad things?
Do I come off as a know-it-all? Is there something that you don't "get" about me? I know that I don't talk to you all as much, but I'm curious.

I have a tendency to act defensive upon criticism, but I will say ahead of time that I will not hold it against you. I may explain myself, or I may consider your thoughts as something to keep in mind in the future.

I ask because, for one thing, I do have trouble getting past the initial stage of meeting new people and turning these into friendships, let alone building an intimate relationship. I'm curious to see if you have thoughts about the sort of impression I make on people that could help me.

I have no trouble meeting new people, it's more opening up and building a relationship. At the moment, my absolute best friendships are ones primarily cultivated online. I'd love to be able to take that and apply it to real life encounters.


I've always had a favorable impression of you. You seem very knowledgeable and articulate, but without any arrogance or know-it-all tendencies. Whenever you talk about a subject I'm interested in I tend to listen, though I may not reply (or reply in full) since I'm not as good at voicing my thoughts / feelings on certain subjects and don't want to sound dumb or lazy because of it.

In short, you seem like an intelligent and likable person, the kind of person I'd like to know and hang out with if I had the ability to. ^^ (We should talk on Skype sometime, though I will warn you I'm often not the best at starting or keeping conversations going...)