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Started by SleepyD, March 29, 2011, 02:43:29 AM

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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 12, 2011, 04:26:21 PM@nej: i wish i could speak swedish. your country isn't going under economically, which makes it lovely that half the country is in english, meaning that if the great ship united states sinks, i can jump across the pond.

Canada is my backup plan (mostly on account of the fact that it's very Americanized, nearby, and has socialized medicine), and probably the only other place in the world (besides New England) that I'd want to live. -w-

Of course Canada might end up with those bandwidth caps like Australia has, which will make it totally suck then. :( (Yes, INTERNET INFRASTRUCTURE is a large consideration when it comes to picking a place to live). 


For me, my backup plan is either Canada or Britain (The former because they're the closest English-speaking country, and the latter because I wouldn't have to learn a new language...and because I find myself speaking in a British accent from time to time, anyway)


@pentium: yeah, maybe that's why she thinks i'm angry alot of the time. i was sick of this shit. :\
@bella: i was considering canada too, but a time article on the world economy says that right now, scandinavia is the place to be.

canada is likely my second bet, though.

@pentium(again): the time article also said that the us and the uk, being so similar, are two of the most volatile economies right now, having such a great wealth and class divide.
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If that's the case, then I'm pretty much screwed; the only other language I can speak is l33t, and there's no country in the world that speaks that


a lot more countries speak english than just those two. canada and sweden are both bilingual, with english being one of the languages.
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Ah ^_^

Well, it's bilingual around my hometown, too (English and Spanish), so it wouldn't be too different in Sweden


yeah. it's pretty sad, but the american dream is kind of a lie nowadays. according to time, we're poor, cause the average "middle class" family of 4 makes $66k a year. :\

we're getting OT, should we move this to topicless lest we derail the relationships thread?
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Well, I have nothing else to say on that matter, so unless you want to continue this discussion in /Topicless, I think we can leave it there.

Returning to the subject of relationships, the events of this part summer did make me realize something about myself: I'm not the problem, it's the town I live in, or at the very least, the job I'm working now. If I where to move to somewhere better, or got a job where I'd work alongside more people around my age, I'm sure I'd find someone.


that's likely, as small towns often yield less diversity than large cities (obviously, given population and oppertunity).
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Pretty sure I overestimate the irrationality of my dad sometimes. His reaction to me finally admitting - as plainly as I could, which wasn't very, because I was extremely nervous the entire time - that I'm an LDR was mild surprise and something along the lines of (and I paraphrase heavily here) "Well I'D never want to date somebody who lives halfway across the country, but if it works for you, I don't care. Also, I'm not going to pay for any of your dates."

His lack of surprise was shocking to me... also, I have to start working on good excuses to be coincidentally in the same location as Stew. <//<;;


parents don't have to be rational all the time. though it's better when they are, since irrational people are usually irresponsible people or immature people. :\

that said, good for you for getting it out in the open. and good luck getting past the mason dixon line. :\
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No, I mean, my dad handled it with a lot more rationality than I thought he would... I was expecting him to throw every cliched parental response he could think of at me, yet he didn't. The entire thing felt a bit anticlimactic.... .___.;;;


maybe that's a good thing? :\ i was expecting him to completely invalidate your feelings again. so maybe this is a blessing.
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@Bella: That's good. Better than my mom would do; pulling out the stupidest, Lifetime Original Movie grade bullshit as to why I shouldn't leave on an epic cross-country journey >:/


silly mrs. grimes. EVERYONE knows that lifetime movies are as fake as i can't believe it's not butter. (except Gracie's Choice. that shit was GOOD.)
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