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Started by SleepyD, March 29, 2011, 02:43:29 AM

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People being hot headed can sometimes annoy me, but in the case of some people, I'm willing to forgive them for that; after all, I can be that way from time to time, even though I try to avoid it.


stalkers annoy me. guys seem to stalk me when i dump them. :\
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What's even worse with the stalkers is when they stalk other people only vaguely related to the person they dated. After all, I have a creepy guy who stalks me simply because he's seen me with my sister, who was friends with a friend of somebody he dated. I couldn't make this shit up even if I tried


Bells.  I don't want to kill someone in the underground.  And most times your giggling is endearing/a healthy boost to my belief in my own ability to tell jokes.


Quote from: stewartsage on August 21, 2011, 09:56:00 PM
Bells.  I don't want to kill someone in the underground.  And most times your giggling is endearing/a healthy boost to my belief in my own ability to tell jokes.

No killing, just getting in line in front of women and children and the elderly. >w>

Aww, thank you sweetheart. I find it endearing that you make me laugh and be happy (and tell good jokes); since I think that's one of the most fundamental qualities one can have in a mate. :3


@bella: yeesh, you ARE a rude commuter. o__o; i've given up my seat for children, elderly, AND 2 handicapped people (a guy with a broken leg and one with a cane). haven't encountered any pregnant women, but i'd give up my seat for them, too.

@pentium: one of my stalkers didn't have the resources for that, but i get the feeling that the other one tried. (we broke up over a year ago, and he STILL tries to contact me.)
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Rude commuters? Try Stockholm, peeps. Not quite "rude", always, but, HELL.


in boston, people guard their seats like hawks. :\
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@Kari: Okay, here's the deal on the "not being a pushy enough commuter" thing. Stew and I needed to catch a MARC train back to Harpers Ferry by a certain time. We had, like, 45 minutes. The trip, by Metro, to the MARC station was ~30 minutes. And the Metro train in that direction only came like, every 8 minutes. The subway platform was PACKED, literally, shoulder-to-shoulder with commuters. So we didn't have a lot of room for error (ie: missing our Metro train) and he STILL wasn't cutting in line in front of people - we missed one train because of it.

It all worked out though, since we caught the next train, and it turned out his MARC schedule was wrong - we were at the MARC stop for like, 40 minutes waiting for our train. Despite it being about 100 degrees out, we uh, cuddled on an uncomfortable bench. Disgusting sugar-free gatorade like beverage was shared. At some point the words "train platform sex" were uttered with a sidelong glance/eyebrow raise combination and I giggled furiously. Then wandered off to use the bathroom and got hit on by a creepy Texan dude wearing roller blades. I was inconsolably giggling and suffering a minor case of PTSD when I returned to the bench.

And yes. The people on the T are freakishly protective of their seats. It's especially bad around Cambridge IMO, when I was there with some relatives my 12yo cousin (of sorts) got up, literally for five seconds to get a snack from his mom, and a young, yuppie-ish-looking woman slid into his seat without so much as a word. He had to stand up for the rest of the ride (it was a long ride, too). Unbelievable. Though karmic, since he's kind of a brat...


Quotetrain platform sex
Now I am laughing so hard I don't know what.


@bella: i've noticed that i'm basically the only person who's willing to give up their seat. i'd chalk it up to be being from new hampshire, except that i was the only one who volunteered their seat(s) on the coach bus for a mother and her young daughter. :\

the lack of courtesy left in this world is disturbing to me.
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Quote from: NejinOniwa on August 22, 2011, 11:22:17 AM
Quotetrain platform sex
Now I am laughing so hard I don't know what.

Replace "laughing" with "abashedly giggling" and you pretty much have my reaction.

...although my reaction had some ME GUTSA? thrown in, lol. >//>;


somehow, i doubt bella would have the nerve to do that, lol. ^^;
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Um, so I'm living with my girlfriend.  We're obviously quite close.  Monogamous.  In love.  Serious.  Happy.

As close to marriage as either of us want to get xD.

The Choice of a New Generation.


glad to hear you're happy! ^^ what's her name? :3
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