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Started by SleepyD, March 29, 2011, 02:43:29 AM

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you need a U-Haul. also, your sister needs a talking to about being naive in intrapersonal relationships. :0
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Indeed @ both. As far as my sister, I can understand her concerns, but I don't think I need to be as overly paranoid as she says I should be; I mean, you and Steve aren't the kind of people that are going to jack my stuff to buy meth, like one of her former roommates did >>;

As for the U-Haul, I just need to figure out where I can get a hitch installed on my car and how much renting a small trailer. I can't take everything, as I don't want to overload it, but I'll be able to knock out a lot of the major stuff (2k, my TV, and maybe my bookshelves, too, among other things)


Quote from: Penti-chan on January 22, 2016, 03:47:16 PM
Like, she feels even if you trust someone, to not trust them fully because she's had so many people she trusted stab her in the back...

I strongly believed you could trust fully someone, the one you love. Seems i'm going to have that stab soon... v_v At least i hope she'll be happy if it's her choice :/

Nichi everything ok? I haven't heard anything from you or Pit in a while :[


I'm not sure a public place is the right spot to talk about it, but can't really say it's "ok". I've the feeling Pit wants to put distance, but maybe it's because of me. I would like her to believe i want to stay with her but i'm not sure she wants. I hope it's just some kind of big misunderstanding :(

Could help talking with someone, i guess.

Quote from: Ye Olde Swagfag on January 14, 2016, 03:55:26 AM
halp pls

Quote from: PipPitkin on January 14, 2016, 07:28:28 AM
This sums up my life perfectly. Sorry, no advice to give, just wanted to express that.

--> I would say, same.


I'm not sure I'm qualified to give relationship advice, and I'm not sure it's my place to give advice even if I were...

But have you talked with a professional (counselor, etc.) about whatever problems you're going through?


Quote from: Bella on January 23, 2016, 02:25:20 PM
I'm not sure I'm qualified to give relationship advice, and I'm not sure it's my place to give advice even if I were...

But have you talked with a professional (counselor, etc.) about whatever problems you're going through?

Well for that part i think we prefer to rely on our own feelings. It may lead to wrong end but at least we'll have the feeling it's our choice. Of course i sort of expect same opinion from her even if i cannot be 100% sure :) It's quite our way of life.

EDIT : Talked to her this morning by phone, she seemed ok. I was so happy to talk to her ^_^ I've good feeling this is going to go nicely in the end. I want to believe in it anyway !

@Pit : I love you !


Fedora-Tan and I've had a bit of a hard time recently, but we're trying to make things work out. It's complicated but I hope and believe it's going to be all right.


I hope everything works out :)


all my best to both of you. please, even if you're concerned about airing out dirty laundry, counseling can help if you need it. don't be afraid to reach out to someone experienced in this. but it'll only work if both of you want it to. ;^;
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I believe it's only right to post a small update here.

Fedora-Tan and I are filing for divorce and separation. Thanks all for kind words for us, the fate was not on our side.

I suppose my queer side claim this caucus at the end.


I hope you're both okay. It's a very intimate matter, so keep it private if you want/need/prefer to. All my best.
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I agree with Kari completely. I don't really know what else to say, just that I hope the two of you are doing okay.


That's okay i guess, better like that in the end. Clean end.

Now if anyone is interested in a **cough** super handsome **cough** and smart guy ... >_>; ^o^


so uhh
i confessed to someone and she basically ignored it

the friendzone is a ruthless realm