We have all been gender flipped

Started by stewartsage, January 11, 2011, 12:49:20 AM

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Boris starts to become disheartened as his search for Colonel-chama and Nejina continues, to no avail.


Chalk puts a hand on Boris' shoulder. "They're gone." He says with a sigh. Looking up stoically, he continues, "But we're here. So let's figure out something to do."
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"We could play some LittleBigPlanet. I have enough controller to go around" Penti said; gesturing toward her room, where her PS3 is setup


"I appreciate the sentiment, Chalk... but I'm not gonna give up looking for them yet." Bidding them adieu, he continues his hunt.


"He is determined to find them" Penti said; stating the obvious. "So, should we help her, or just play some Mario Kart?"


Chalk shakes his head at Boris, both in respect for his drive and in pity for his stubbornness.

Chalk nods in the direction of Boris, indicating they should follow.
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Penti nods in agreement, before chasing after Boris. "If you're going to look for them, you should at least have some help" She said with a smile


L-Looking f-for who now?

-is standing in the doorway with a soup ladle in hand-


Boris barely believes his eyes when he sees Colonel-chama standing in the kitchen doorway. Releasing a girlish squee of delight unbecoming of his sex, he bounds toward the woman; he nearly hugs her out of reflex, but notices the full ladle in her hand. Instead he settles for patting her on the shoulder.

"It's really good to see you - I was starting to think I'd never find you!" He gives a chuckle of relief and blushes slightly, adding, "do you mind if I try the soup, please? I'm feeling famished."


"Yay! We found Colonel-chan!" Penti said in excitement, before taking notice of the smell of a freshly-made soup. "I smell soup...I can has?"


Of c-course y-you c-can!  I... was in the k-kitchen.... y-you honestly d-didn't think to l-look there?


Grateful for Colonel-chama's kindness, Boris walks into the kitchen after her and grabs a bowl and spoon. "I thought to look in the kitchen, but I couldn't find it - this place is disturbingly big." A memory of Nejina's strange space-time experiment creeps into Boris' mind; he wonders if she might have something to do with the home's sprawling, confusing layout and their current strange situation.


The freezer door bursts open, almost flying off its hinges. Out flies a very small girl in a light blue dress and hair - and blue just about everything else, too. She doesn't even crash to the ground before rebounding, however - as she connects with the opposite wall, she kicks off to launch herself back, flying straight toward the open freezer like a wailing banshee.

Except, she's not wailing. She's yelling. "THAT WAS DAMN RUDE OF YER!" Then she pops through the freezer door with a sizzling sound, and is gone.

All trace that is left of her is a slightly chilly air in the room, and pair of footsteps in frost on the wall.


"What the hell was that?" Penti said with a slight shriek


Boris startles violently, nearly dropping his soup-bowl. "I ... really have no idea ..." he replies to Penti, his mouth still agape. "Maybe there's some sort of wormhole in the freezer? Whatever it is, I don't think I'll be opening that door any time soon... even if I am curious to see what's behind it."