We have all been gender flipped

Started by stewartsage, January 11, 2011, 12:49:20 AM

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Chalk shrugs at Sage's question, proceeding to browse more pictures. He takes another sip, only to find he is out of tea. A sad expression comes over Chalk's face as he stares at the empty mug. :[
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Since nothing seemed to be going on at the moment, Penti-chan proceeded to put on a pair of headphones and began listening to the Disgaea soundtrack


*refills Chalk's mug one more time*

Th-That's it I'm afraid, until I m-make m-more.  B-But I have to g-go f-fret f-for a little while f-first....


Chalk's eyes mist and glisten in true anime-style appriciation. He swiftly gulps some down, regretting doing so due to the heat.
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While lounging on the couch, listening to her iPod, Penti-chan suddenly got up dramatically and began dancing down the hall singing about a "master ninja theme song"; much to the confusion of everybody else in the room


Chalk gives her a weird look, prompting him to search around in his yukata for his ipod. finding it, he slips on the (magnet)headphones, turning it on full-blast. the faint beat of techno resonates throughout the room.
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After that moment of weirdness from earlier, Penti-chan returned to the living room; kindly asking Colonel for some more tea when it's ready, before sitting down with Atanos to begin working more on her stories


Chalk surfs to check out some dollfie figures. after drooling over them for a few seconds, Chalk realizes how he looks, and quickly navigates away so he's not seen as a perv. .////.;
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The humming noises are starting to change, which Nejina doesn't seem all too happy about. After a few quick tantrums thrown, this starts looping at quite a loud volume from something that most definitely is not supposed to be a speaker set. She lets out a sigh and keeps on working, whilst the magpie produces a hat and monocle and cane and starts prancing about.


Chalk attempts to turn up his music, only to find that it's up all the way. Chalk settles into his chair, taking a sip of his tea and gaining the expression of a wet cat.
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Having her concentration on writing disrupted by the loud noise, Penti-chan proceeded to reach behind the couch and pull out some earplugs; quickly equipping them before returning to writing


Chalk misses the peace and quiet from when he woke up. He contemplates going back into his room. :\
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Annoyed by the noise, Penti-chan got up and walked over to the table where the thing that is most certainly not a speaker set but is still emitting loud music. She then proceeded to pick up everything that was emitting that sound and moved it into the nearby closet; as they where now muffled by the thick, heavy coats.

"That's better..." she said; finally able to return to writing her story without needing the earplugs


Chalk gives Penti-chan the Rock Lee style thumbs-up and grin, indicating a job well done. 8)
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*returns from the kitchen with a plate of various sandwiches*

No m-more tea f-for now, but lunch is served whenever y-you're ready.