We have all been gender flipped

Started by stewartsage, January 11, 2011, 12:49:20 AM

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rolling over again, Chalk mumbles in his slumber:

".......kendall stop.....red line....2 stops after park...."
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*Begins making adjustments to the portable TV, to get the PSP inside it working alongside it*

What? I want to play some Disgaea 2 while waiting on new Doctor Who


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Quote from: stewartsage on April 26, 2011, 07:10:58 PM
You know better then I do.  Shall we disembark then?  *offers arm again*

*takes arm and heads onto platform*

Where do you want to go first?


The Certain Demon Overlord spots the pair of passengers - possible couple? - exiting the train. "Excuse me," he says to the man, "you don't happen to have seen a lady in black corduroy, blonde, yay tall..." He raises his hand to indicate some measure of height, but then pauses with a frown on his face. "Have I met you both somewhere? Pardon me if I'm wrong, but you seem oddly familiar somehow."


I don't believe we've met. At any rate, I've seen the woman you're looking for... but I've no idea where she could be right now.


The Demon Overlord dismisses his stray thoughts, focusing on the matter at hand. "Splendid. At least I've come to the right place, then...even if she hasn't."
He gives the helpful man a curious look. "I suppose I'll look into the matter of you when I have the time. For now, however, some gratitude is in order. Thank you." After a slight delay, and with some hesitation, he then adds, "You don't suppose you could...tell me, more exactly, where and when you last saw her? People and cities tend to have a needles-and-haystacks relationship, and I would much like any sort of clue to where she could be."


*Successfully gets the PSP portion of the portable TV functioning again, but the battery isn't powerful enough to support it*

*Attempts to supercharge the battery for my portable TV \ PSP combo by using static electricity generated from a pair of gym socks I found stuck to the back of my maid costume for unknown reasons*


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*Successfully charges battery, although it's become highly unstable as a result; as Penti-chan ends up getting electrocuted and knocked out*



chalk is startled awake, only to find that everyone has left. :\
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No th-they haven't!

*appears from kitchen with a tray of cookies*

I've b-been waiting in the k-kitchen.... th-that sounds a lot c-creepier th-then I meant it to.


chalk gives her a strange look, expecting the stereotypical disgruntled yandere housewife with a knife. not seeing that, chalk takes a cookie. :3
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Penti-chan wonders into the room in a slight daze; trying to piece together what just happened earlier. She remembers something about being trapped in an alternate dimension with everybody else, as well as getting badly electrocuted from trying to recharge the batteries on her PSP, but not of how she escaped...or why she was now wearing a sailor fuku instead of her usual maid costume.

However, she quickly disregarded it when she saw a plate of cookies; gladly taking one


I'm g-glad everyone's okay!  Th-There was a spot of t-trouble, b-but I th-think I took c-care of it; how're you feeling Chalk?  Pentium?  Need anything e-else?