Started by Chocofreak13, December 22, 2010, 03:19:44 PM

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Aurora Borealis

Pretty much the main cyberpunk aspect in my interpretation is the creation and existence of the OS-tans, who are presumably artificial humans. But my interpretation of the Windows Family household is very much like, if not exactly like yours.


Quote from: "Kari"@bells/krizo: the purpose of this thread is to create a -standardized- rendition of things within the os-tan world, including the world itself. but just with the os-tans, there will always be variations:

...but that first NT-tan hasn't been featured in any other other artworks besides that comic. I support variations in -tan designs due to aging, different outfits and the like, and shape-shifting ability, but I don't support the remaking of already existing -tans.

Quotebut with stew's story Eastern Standard Time, the interaction of "real" people is necessary.

...How is Eastern Standard Time relevant here? . .;;

Quote from: "Aurora-sama"It wasn't until very recently (when I started reading stewartsage's SAGE fanfics) I had given any thought to 'regular people' in the OS-tanverse, and had only imagined it being populated entirely with computer-tans, app-tans and file-tans, with the 'ancient' computer-tans being depicted as very old-fashioned to reflect how much 'simpler' and primitive those past eras of computing were. But even with the real world-based ideas, those anachronisms from older fanon are still compatible and can be explained away somehow, as Bella previously described.

That's what I thought for a long time too; when I did my comic series, I included real-world humans involved in the computer industry too (see: cameos by Bill Joy, Ken Olsen and dmr and ken) 'mostly cause - at least to me - it makes more sense to have humans in the OS-tan universe than not, since it solves the who-created-the-OS-tans problem quite nicely.


ok, that clears it up a bit. when i think cyberpunk, my mind flashes to burst angel/the matrix/etc. that's why i got confused. :\

anyway, we have 2/6 people. i repeat, all in favour?


i've seen that NT in more than one comic. i just haven't uploaded those pictures yet (i was waiting for the move).

EST is relevant here, since i was quoting the fact that different stories call for different aspect/interaction. trading main characters in moby dick and catcher in the rye doesn't work because their particular stories call for those particular characters (i wouldn't expect capitan ahab to complain about his roommate whistling "Song of India").
it was referencing that while it's POSSIBLE to have "real" people in an os-tan story, it's not REQUIRED.

if you'd like to add humans into your stories, that's your business and i have no objection. usually when i view the OS-tan world, it's an independent rendition of what goes through the computer's eyes. the humans created the OS, but not the OS's experiences.
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2/6? Who's in favour of what here? D:

But..... Eastern Standard Time isn't even an OS-tan story. I'm not getting how a sentient post-apocalyptic radio station has any bearing on this conversation....


jeez, i thought it was about some random obscure raido-reading vintage-tan!! you're missing the point!!!

last time i checked, me and aurora were on board for the "broad-spectrum virtual parallel to the real world" take on the OS-world.
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so 2/5?

you people, though i consider you some of my best friends, make me want to take a LONG hiatus from here.
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Annnnnd this, Kari, is why I choose not to talk religion, politics, or larger OS-tan universe theories with my friends. For nothing good can become of it. -w-;;


the only reason i'm getting frustrated is because we can't seem to agree, even though i think we've been saying the same thing.

and because we're getting off topic. >__< i doubt you want ANOTHER wall of text like the last one.
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A view from the old stone table...

Using the relevant scene from Mertvaya Ruka as example, space exists in two "modes": Open and Closed. For example, while navigating through the streets of Boston, Helsinki or some other human area we have typical Open space; whilst when inside Unix-sama's base where Leopard time-warps in, it's a Closed space, impossible to enter without possessing the correct lines of code (password, if you'd like). Since most ordinary humans aren't even aware of that aspect of code in the first place, they won't even be aware of the entrance - whilst OS-tans without the code in question in their possession won't be able to get through.

This sort of "code bubble" makes it possible for OS-tans, or factions thereof, to make private areas which only a select few can access; such as the Mac House or Windows Family mansion (or Unix' secret base). While the "magical" aspect of code usage (sorcery) can be involved in different levels depending on the story, this makes most of the workings possible within a single theory's scope (which saves us the hassle of explaining things later on).

THUS: Public space and human-populated areas are Open space regardless of human security levels, unless someone used code to force it otherwise; areas accessible only by OS-tans are locked by code of various levels and thus within Closed space (lolol heisakuukan). This can be anything from a private faction enclosure to a simple meeting spot for -tans (such as the "market" used in canon works, where -tans from many factions can meet) of all kinds and factions. I believe this solves most, if not all, of our problems, no?

Have to get off now due to leaving for tourist works in Marrakech, but will return to elaborate some more tonight. Hopefully. >_>


......isn't that what i was trying to say? *facepalm*

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Quote from: NejinOniwa on January 04, 2011, 04:06:41 AM
A view from the old stone table...

Using the relevant scene from Mertvaya Ruka as example, space exists in two "modes": Open and Closed. For example, while navigating through the streets of Boston, Helsinki or some other human area we have typical Open space; whilst when inside Unix-sama's base where Leopard time-warps in, it's a Closed space, impossible to enter without possessing the correct lines of code (password, if you'd like). Since most ordinary humans aren't even aware of that aspect of code in the first place, they won't even be aware of the entrance - whilst OS-tans without the code in question in their possession won't be able to get through.

This sort of "code bubble" makes it possible for OS-tans, or factions thereof, to make private areas which only a select few can access; such as the Mac House or Windows Family mansion (or Unix' secret base). While the "magical" aspect of code usage (sorcery) can be involved in different levels depending on the story, this makes most of the workings possible within a single theory's scope (which saves us the hassle of explaining things later on).

THUS: Public space and human-populated areas are Open space regardless of human security levels, unless someone used code to force it otherwise; areas accessible only by OS-tans are locked by code of various levels and thus within Closed space (lolol heisakuukan). This can be anything from a private faction enclosure to a simple meeting spot for -tans (such as the "market" used in canon works, where -tans from many factions can meet) of all kinds and factions. I believe this solves most, if not all, of our problems, no?

Have to get off now due to leaving for tourist works in Marrakech, but will return to elaborate some more tonight. Hopefully. >_>

This makes sense. PERFECT SENSE. Gratias Tibi Ago Magister!

I imagine Hardwares wouldn't be able to access this closed "Code Space" either, because, like humans, they exist solely as material beings. Your theory also explains how OS-tans can travel and congregate so easily.


Quote......isn't that what i was trying to say? *facepalm*

Well, true, but I seem to be a tad in the lead when it comes to getting things across to the entire populace. Don't be sad if you get what you want, yan! -w-

Also Hardware-tans have the same level (though not the same kind) of rudimentary grasp of Code as humans - only in more extreme cases can they manage to access any Closed space unaided, and their presence can normally cause disturbances on quite high levels within the field. I am in a bit of a bind in this spot, however, as it deals with the matter of the source of Code and power among OS-tans.

Viewpoint 1: A piece of hardware is the material focal point for any and all execution of code by any OS-tan. The amount of magic/code/whatever power accessible by one single OS-tan should thus in the defining norm be roughly equivalent to the amount of hardware under his/her control - that is, computers with the OS in question installed, and the raw processing power they can provide. For example, while the various Windows versions have dominated the desktop market for just about two decades now, their actual code strength is limited by the hardware used in these lightweight machines. Linux, while not very widespread on the desktop side, controls a huge chunk of server farm through her distributions; as they are direct iterations, code relatives AND direct subordinates of hers, this supplies her with an enormous amount of raw processing power. And while the Unix empire may not be as glorious as it one was, the rise of the OSXen and the persistence of Mainframes running various Unix versions ensures her a good deal of raw strength as well.
This also gives a good way of handling the rise and fall of various -tans; as the amount of hardware under their control diminishes, so does their power, with eventual lapses of sanity or physical ability to follow depending on the scope of their fall, with an eventual death possible as a result of having no hardware or direct descendants/subordinates to draw power from at all. As an example, OpenVMS will keep going even if her own hardware base ceases to exist, as long as NT-based Windows-tans are present and in possession of enough power to keep her alive; at the moment the prevalence of NT-based Windowses gives her the ability to tap into their enormous code power pool, resulting in her being a great deal more powerful than one would expect from a wanderer of her state. NT herself will likely never gain much power as a result of her being a rather inconspicuous character in the shadow of various Windows versions (XP, Vista, 7 and so on), leaving her almost in a subordinate state of the hierarchy despite being higher in the chain of Code; in addition, as she is the link binding OpenVMS to the Windows power pool, and since she is not in the top of that hierarchy (she is a direct descendant of OpenVMS, not an original piece of code - compare Linux and Unix, with the former being semi-related but not directly related in code and such, thus granting no power sharing) what power she can draw herself is only a small branch on the trunk supplied to OpenVMS through her own channel.

The main problem I see with this is with -tans who don't follow this pattern of power-in-accordance or have other kinds of powers; I dunno the amount of these, however, but I think they are sort of few in number atm. Keep in mind that this "power level" scale only pays mind to actual usage of code/magic - 95-tan, for example, while not being as powerful in spell usage as she was during the height of the 90's OS wars, she still keeps her physical prowess and swordsmanship; as this is a natural ability that she has by "birthright" so to speak, one that was hardcoded into her very matter as she was created, and not a spell.

WALL OF TEXT. What say you, /osc/?

Aurora Borealis

Your explanations are pure win, Nejin! :D

With your explanations on life force and code sharing, does emulation count, and help keep an otherwise dying/sick/insane OS-tan alive, healthy and sane? I imagine that it would, with emulators granting emulated OSes a special kind of code that would allow those OSes to run on hardware they otherwise wouldn't, and for the host hardware to accept the emulated OS.

And what about OS-tans that are deceased but can still be emulated?




you've made excellent points nej. however:

1. you're getting too detail-specific. when i made this thread i had everyone in mind; meaning their stories and viewpoints, which means that while this system may work for you, it might not for someone else.

2. you're over-thinking it. this was a problem in the old OSvolution thread as well, since it's so easy to make everything super rich and detailed. it feels better because you're being more specific. but since this was to apply to EVERYONE, we want plain vanilla ice cream, not a banana split sundae with the works. it's best to provide the basics and let everyone else fill in what they choose. (like a tabletop RPG! ^^)

3. i thought we were discussing the OS-tan World first? ;___;
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