Project Wiki OVERHAUL!!

Started by Aurora Borealis, December 06, 2010, 05:40:33 PM

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She thinks she's Multics' daughter, and that her mother had to lie to her about their relationship in order to protect her. It's likely that she knows about Unix's and Multics' relationship, and thinks that her "sister" mistreated her mother badly (which, she did) and hates her for it - and is confused that Multics would give more affection to the "bad daughter" when she was really more like her mother all along (which, she is - VOS is basically a little Multics system, Unix took some design cues from Multics but is scarcely a "conceptual heir"). VOS-tan is pretty much a bundle of conspiracy theories and rejection issues under an incredibly strong and asskickerish exterior.

Aurora Borealis

Great explanation- I added that info into her article now.

What happened that caused Multics and VOS to lose contact with each other? And any chance of reconciliation between her and Unix, since Multics is alive again? And if anything, VOS was nicer to Multics than Unix was for a long time, and could be considered her daughter in a spiritual sense.

EDIT: Also did some cleanup for Coleco Adam-tan's article.


Adam-chan sounds cute, though a little dangerous to touch. ^^;
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Aurora Borealis

The Vintage-tans care for her, but many have to be very cautious- especially Plus/4-tan (one of her own friends!), who has a huge weakness against static electricity (One of the major chips in the Plus/4 has a high failure rate due to static electricity). :(

EDIT: I did some tweaking to Apple I's, II's and III's articles. I still need to add in some more recent info for III-tan, such as her meetings with SAGE and GENIAC.


come to think of it, why isn't there an apple IV?

and should we expect an update to lisa's article, in line with the others?
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Aurora Borealis

I'll get to Lisa's article soon. The Lisa was going to be named Apple IV, since "Lisa" was just a codename, but it stuck. Same goes for the Macintosh, which may have otherwise been named Apple V.


Well damn, now I need to reread her article before continuing the most recent SAGE segment.  Ha!  More reason to delay!


procrastination is bad, dude. xD

@aurora: and here i thought Lisa was totally seperate from the line. i just threw her in cause i knew the name, and it fit in! cool! ^^
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Quote from: stewartsage on April 12, 2011, 11:40:42 AM
Well damn, now I need to reread her article before continuing the most recent SAGE segment.  Ha!  More reason to delay!

There's gonna be moar Apple ///-tan in SAGE's story? *___________*

Quote from: Aurora Borealis on April 11, 2011, 11:26:51 PM
I'll get to Lisa's article soon. The Lisa was going to be named Apple IV, since "Lisa" was just a codename, but it stuck. Same goes for the Macintosh, which may have otherwise been named Apple V.

That settles it, I'm calling Macintoshes Apple V's from now on. On that note, I've tend to think of the Apple /// as the "Sara" too. >__>

Had no idea that the Plus/4 was so prone to static damage.... and that's one of my favourite Commodores.... ;__;


No, the Coleco Adam article. 

Also: Of course there's going to be more Apple ///


coo-ool. -w-

hmm, i'm reminded of that one -tan i drew with the tape ribbons in her hair. of course, she was stuck-up anyway, so i doubt she'd associate with many people. ^^;
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Nothing really important substance-wise to the wiki, but I updated the timeline in article As originally pointed out, it's an unimportant stub, but I don't consider myself qualified to edit any actual OS-tan articles, so I decided to do what I could: site history. Any suggestions/objections will be welcome. :)

Aurora Borealis

Looks good, Pitkin! :)

I've been adding onto Lisa-tan's article, adding the first section of her backstory, and doing some cleanup in the other sections.

Aurora Borealis

Two major updates, one is re-titling several of the Windows-tans articles (for consistency), and the other is starting an ambitious page, on OS-tan lineages! Help very much needed!


EDIT: I posted a map of OS-tan lineages in the Theory thread. Maybe that will help?