Project Wiki OVERHAUL!!

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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 24, 2013, 01:31:53 PM
Harrumph. >3>;

In the event inori's section gets big enough, it should get its own article with a blurb at the bottom considering ie-tan and inori are two different characters. (As it is I'm having a hard time finding a way to have two info boxes on there w/o it looking clunky.)

That "low-res doodle" is actually a nice piece of artwork that was uploaded in 2009. And of course there were ie-tans before this inori chick. A simple gallery search coulda told you that. >>;

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend. I based my knowledge off the article and old google searches.

I think I have an idea, which I'll do later. I've seen some Wikipedia articles done this way. I'll make internet explorer a category disambiguation, with links to Inori and IE-tan pages, and on both pages I will add a link on the top to the opposite page.
Official -tans are my bat signal.


hm, that could work, though i'd recommend keeping a blurb at the bottom of the IE-tan page. if you want some inspiration, go over to the 7-tan page, there's like, 10 different descriptions there (a couple of which were Microsoft sponsored).

i'm only miffed at you for not thinking of it. there have been -tans for every major browser since the os-tans started back in 03. stands to reason that there would be IE-tans out there this whole time. (also, the original blurb was written back in 08 or 09. a lot has happened since then.)

if you want my advice, do more legwork when you write an article. take inspiration from the ones out there and do more research. a kickass article doesn't take an hour, it takes days. (or several hours if you're insane like me and write the whole Nijiura article in an insane 12-hour stretch that lands you in bed at 6am. -w-; )
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 24, 2013, 09:18:11 PM
hm, that could work, though i'd recommend keeping a blurb at the bottom of the IE-tan page. if you want some inspiration, go over to the 7-tan page, there's like, 10 different descriptions there (a couple of which were Microsoft sponsored).

i'm only miffed at you for not thinking of it. there have been -tans for every major browser since the os-tans started back in 03. stands to reason that there would be IE-tans out there this whole time. (also, the original blurb was written back in 08 or 09. a lot has happened since then.)

if you want my advice, do more legwork when you write an article. take inspiration from the ones out there and do more research. a kickass article doesn't take an hour, it takes days. (or several hours if you're insane like me and write the whole Nijiura article in an insane 12-hour stretch that lands you in bed at 6am. -w-; )

I made a disambiguation page out of Internet Explorer and created a seperate page for inori aizawa, as well as added links on both hers and IE-tan's pages for the other article.

Also, previewed the old page under history. Here is the image you were looking for (which is higher res than i thought. And pretty cool, i must say).

And about time into articles, i have limited internet access that comes and goes at the moment, so when i spend several hours on a post only to lose it when i hit save because the internet is gone makes it problematic. Thats why i work on articles in spurts, adding something this day, something else another day, so on, so forth.

Created the Under Construction template and Under construction categories, and included Inori's page under the category. That way pages that are being worked on but are not currently finished can use this template to let viewers know that it is in fact being edited and updated at the moment and may not be complete.

Created a page for the Bing Girls since they dont really belong under Windows 7. Also added redirect pages for "inori aizawa", "bing girls", "silverlight", and "nanami madobe", to their matching articles (since the latter two were referenced on other pages on the wiki but didnt exist)
Official -tans are my bat signal.


Edited the Inori page slightly for errors and proofing issues. It is now 20% more compliant to the OSC Wiki standards. :)


i am going to contest that bing girls page considering
1. it was me who wrote the whole 7-tan article
2. the bing girls were a promotion released by microsoft as themepacks for windows 7, thus they don't go with any other OS/browser/etc
3. they have never (and likely never will) represent any sort of Bing-tan, so making a seperate page for them when they don't even have an infobox seems....friviolous.

the difference between them and Inori is that Inori has enough information for her own article. i don't think the Bing Girls do. i'm moving the information back. >>;

btw, was there a technical details section of the windows 7 page, or did you delete it? .__.;

EDIT: reading over the bing girls article as we speak and i need to say THEY DO NOT PERSONIFY THE BING ENGINE
they were PROMOTING it, but they do not REPRESENT it. they're just random themepacks, it seems, nothing more than a marketing campaign.

do you guys know if spoiler tags will work on the wiki? because that seems like it could be very useful here in keeping the windows 7 article size down. :\
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Quote from: NejinOniwa on November 25, 2013, 06:41:03 AM
Edited the Inori page slightly for errors and proofing issues. It is now 20% more compliant to the OSC Wiki standards. :)
Thank You :)

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 25, 2013, 09:32:53 AM
i am going to contest that bing girls page considering
1. it was me who wrote the whole 7-tan article
2. the bing girls were a promotion released by microsoft as themepacks for windows 7, thus they don't go with any other OS/browser/etc
3. they have never (and likely never will) represent any sort of Bing-tan, so making a seperate page for them when they don't even have an infobox seems....friviolous.

the difference between them and Inori is that Inori has enough information for her own article. i don't think the Bing Girls do. i'm moving the information back. >>;

btw, was there a technical details section of the windows 7 page, or did you delete it? .__.;

EDIT: reading over the bing girls article as we speak and i need to say THEY DO NOT PERSONIFY THE BING ENGINE
they were PROMOTING it, but they do not REPRESENT it. they're just random themepacks, it seems, nothing more than a marketing campaign.

do you guys know if spoiler tags will work on the wiki? because that seems like it could be very useful here in keeping the windows 7 article size down. :\

I put them in their own article solely because they are not part of Windows 7. Yes, the theme packs were made for Windows 7, but other than that, the Bing girls have nothing to do with Windows 7 and 7-tan. Furthermore, they have the Bing logo on them, and Microsoft has made mascots before with no information (for instance, the news site, The Verge, made me aware there is a character that is used for Microsoft's Virtualization tools that only appears in one place and doesn't even have a name.), which is why one could speculate that the girls represent Bing.

and I didn't remove anything but the Bing girls from Windows 7's page.
Official -tans are my bat signal.


*pinches forehead*

the bing girls have NOTHING to do with ANYTHING other than windows 7. they were made SOLELY as a marketing campaign, and have not appeared since they were created. they were barely given any personality and frankly, finding the themepacks is a bitch now. if it wasn't for my putting them on the article in the first place, i doubt anyone would remember them anyway. without a technical section to go off of, or an individual item to represent (as they STILL do not represent bing itself, just promoted it), they are little more than an accessory for windows 7. having a seperate article JUST FOR THEM is nothing more than wiki clutter.

if nothing else, their section is a wee bit long and makes the 7-tan article seem a little overdone. but that could easily be fixed with some sort of spoiler tag, if possible.
and even if it's not, who cares? 9 times out of 10, more information is better than less. >>;
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 25, 2013, 04:24:49 PM
*pinches forehead*

the bing girls have NOTHING to do with ANYTHING other than windows 7. they were made SOLELY as a marketing campaign, and have not appeared since they were created. they were barely given any personality and frankly, finding the themepacks is a bitch now. if it wasn't for my putting them on the article in the first place, i doubt anyone would remember them anyway. without a technical section to go off of, or an individual item to represent (as they STILL do not represent bing itself, just promoted it), they are little more than an accessory for windows 7. having a seperate article JUST FOR THEM is nothing more than wiki clutter.

if nothing else, their section is a wee bit long and makes the 7-tan article seem a little overdone. but that could easily be fixed with some sort of spoiler tag, if possible.
and even if it's not, who cares? 9 times out of 10, more information is better than less. >>;

There's gotta be somewhere else for them to go, though, since, like i said, despite them being themepacks for seven, they are not actually related to 7-tan. Its excess information. Whether having a separate page, or even moving them to some other page, it still seems unnecessary and confusing putting them in the windows 7 article.

Also, finished the Inori Aizawa page. Let me know if any of you think it needs anything.
Official -tans are my bat signal.


The Inori page looks good Dustii, the only change I would suggest is modifying the Lineage section, since Inori / IE-tan isn't a part of the Windows NT family. I mean, I guess she's associated with them, but Lineage specifically references bloodline. ("Internet Explorer" should suffice as far as lineage goes.)

Also, I think the Bing girls should have a page separate from Nanami, since they're completely tangential to Nanami / Windows 7-tan. As for lack of information, that's something that plagues a LOT of -tans. It's never stopped anyone from making articles before.


Quote from: Bella on November 25, 2013, 07:43:05 PM
The Inori page looks good Dustii, the only change I would suggest is modifying the Lineage section, since Inori / IE-tan isn't a part of the Windows NT family. I mean, I guess she's associated with them, but Lineage specifically references bloodline. ("Internet Explorer" should suffice as far as lineage goes.)

Also, I think the Bing girls should have a page separate from Nanami, since they're completely tangential to Nanami / Windows 7-tan. As for lack of information, that's something that plagues a LOT of -tans. It's never stopped anyone from making articles before.

I put Windows NT because that's what Silverlight had in its lineage section. Not to mention, IE is integrated into the OS, so technically it could count. But if you really think I should change it, I will.

And thanks! I worked hard on it!

I update the Bing girls page with better formatting, and added a "See Also:" on the Windows 7 page under the "Bing girls" heading. Also, i uploaded a higher resolution wallpaper ready version of the Bing girls image.
Official -tans are my bat signal.


I found all the bing themes :D

I linked the individual themes (for Windows 8 ), and linked to a mediafire file on someones blog which contains all the themes in 7 compatible form, as well as the themes' individual files.
Official -tans are my bat signal.


I can tell where i'm not wanted.

not that it matters, but they were ONLY made for windows 7, and were never referenced again in any other context after that marketing campaign. a spoiler tag for information would have REALLY helped out here.
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Found links to the Windows 7 themes individually, so i added them, and i found....

More Bing Girls images! :D

I added those as well to the bing page under "media"
Official -tans are my bat signal.


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 25, 2013, 09:44:38 PM
I can tell where i'm not wanted.

Disagreeing != not being wanted. Anyway, I'm sincerely sorry you feel that way; I'm not going to be posting anymore in this thread until I have something meaningful to write about (i.e. actual wiki editing projects).


Created a page for the new Unity-chan -tan. :)

Also made a redirect for "Unity"
Official -tans are my bat signal.