Project Wiki OVERHAUL!!

Started by Aurora Borealis, December 06, 2010, 05:40:33 PM

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I (in an executive-order-type-of-move) modified the template to allow you to specify the image size, and also took the liberty of converting all the pages that used the OSinfobox100px to the standard OSinfobox. I feel this will be better in the long run and will prevent fragmenting if the style of the boxes should change.

Apologies if this was overstepping my bounds.


Yo Tsubashi! I saw on the change-log that you'd been doing some wiki editing last night, but i wasn't sure if my eyes were deceiving me!

I already made up a 100px template, but this'll probably work better ..... how exactly does it work? (I'd look at the source, but the wiki's being slow to load. -__-)


Yes, it is me. I might not be back long, but I figured I ought to contribute while I was.

Basically I just added another parameter to the OSinfobox. After specifying an image file (eg. |image=picture.png) you can specify the size (eg. |imgsize=100x100px). For backwards comparability purposes, it defaults to 200x200px if you do not include imgsize.


Okay, that sounds really useful! Thanks a lot. :)

While you're here, you should drop by some of the other threads. It's not often we see you after all. ;u;


I noticed a visual discrepancy between the info box and level 2 headers. The line seems to pass through the infobox. If the admins could add overflow:hidden; to lines 122 and 228 of, that would solve the problem.

Just a thought.


Holy shit, it's a wild Tsubashi.

I'm honestly too surprised to even throw a pokeball at it.


Indeed it is. ^.^
Glad to see I am yet again still remembered. Hopefully I can stick around more consistently this time.


Quote from: Tsubashi on December 10, 2012, 02:34:54 PM
Indeed it is. ^.^
Glad to see I am yet again still remembered. Hopefully I can stick around more consistently this time.

You'd be surprised, I still remember and miss a lot of our old members (C-chan, Siya, Alfamile, Techno The Fox, MisterCat and New Yinzer among others) and I know i'm not alone. It would be great to see you around more often! ;v;

Quote from: Tsubashi on December 10, 2012, 02:23:50 PM
I noticed a visual discrepancy between the info box and level 2 headers. The line seems to pass through the infobox. If the admins could add overflow:hidden; to lines 122 and 228 of, that would solve the problem.

Just a thought.

Good to know, should we pass this info onto the admins?


@nej: i'm not. *chucks fastball*

this was ages ago, but i cleaned up some os-kun articles. reading osx-kun's article makes me think i left it either partially finished or got cut off in the middle by something, so i might go back and tweak it. it also looks like kyourou's article was never even worked on, so i'll go in and work it soon.

i know nothing about DSL-kun, and definitely not Oralux-kun, so can someone either go in and make those or delete the articles? i've seen artwork of neither.

i also find it worth mentioning that the OS-kun page was rather hard to get to. is there any way we can just bring up the page in search?
click to make it bigger


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 10, 2012, 06:10:37 PM
@nej: i'm not. *chucks fastball*

this was ages ago, but i cleaned up some os-kun articles. reading osx-kun's article makes me think i left it either partially finished or got cut off in the middle by something, so i might go back and tweak it. it also looks like kyourou's article was never even worked on, so i'll go in and work it soon.

i know nothing about DSL-kun, and definitely not Oralux-kun, so can someone either go in and make those or delete the articles? i've seen artwork of neither.

i also find it worth mentioning that the OS-kun page was rather hard to get to. is there any way we can just bring up the page in search?

There's a DSL-kun article, I remember seeing it yesterday. Anyway, he's a well-established character so his article'll stay (though it needs an info box), as for Oralux, I recall Oralux-tan (she's the blind chicken-girl) but my recollection of Oralux-kun is fuzzier. I'll have to go through Siya's old character creation thread to look for info.....


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 10, 2012, 06:10:37 PM
@nej: i'm not. *chucks fastball*

*winces as fast ball ricochets off his head*

Quote from: Bella on December 10, 2012, 06:08:35 PM
Quote from: Tsubashi on December 10, 2012, 02:23:50 PM
... visual discrepancy ...

Good to know, should we pass this info onto the admins?

Well, I first wanted to check if everyone else saw it. I checked the major browsers on OS X and Ubuntu, but I have not checked windows yet. I was hoping for a little more feedback before we message the admins.


@bella: i'm aware there's an article, i was asking people more knowledgable on the subject than i to help fill in the blanks or eliminate the blanks alltogether. since DSL-kun is well-established, i'll leave it to you to fill in the details. *places hand on shoulder* ganbatte! >:3

@tsu: *hands icepack*
click to make it bigger


Quote from: Tsubashi on December 10, 2012, 07:08:55 PM
Well, I first wanted to check if everyone else saw it. I checked the major browsers on OS X and Ubuntu, but I have not checked windows yet. I was hoping for a little more feedback before we message the admins.

Can you post a screencap of the problem? I'm not exactly sure what you're describing, because I didn't notice anything majorly wrong with the wiki appearance. (On OSX / Firefox).

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 10, 2012, 09:42:56 PM
@bella: i'm aware there's an article, i was asking people more knowledgable on the subject than i to help fill in the blanks or eliminate the blanks alltogether. since DSL-kun is well-established, i'll leave it to you to fill in the details. *places hand on shoulder* ganbatte! >:3

Kay, I will. ^^

I finally started an article for RISC OS-tan, which I'd been meaning to do for awhile 'cause she's kind of an important character in the Anti$oft Coalition (aka OS/2-tan's merry band of, uh, hooligans?)

Speaking of which, I wouldn't mind cleaning up OS/2-tan's article......... and I kinda wanna pick human names for her and RISC OS-tan..... but idk where to start. ~.~


This was taken from the OSinfobox template page. The arrows indicate the parts that should not be there. The should end slightly to the left. If you add those two lines I mentioned earlier to a custom style sheet, you can see that it ends where it should.



hey, you're right, i'm getting them too.

(sorry, forgot to highlight them, but if you look on the side, they're there)

@bella: i had come up with a thread a long time ago for proposed human names for OS-tans, but it's ancient. i've been meaning to copy the info into a new thread, want me to do that?
click to make it bigger