Project Wiki OVERHAUL!!

Started by Aurora Borealis, December 06, 2010, 05:40:33 PM

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Aurora Borealis

I'm on another editing spree, this time focusing on the Linux-tans, mainly looking for what branch each distro-tan is from.

So far, I've:




Good work, Aurora-san!

I'm sorry to say that I haven't done much by the way of wiki editing lately, though I am hoping to expand character backstory and present various theories about the OS-taneverse in my writings... .w.;

Aurora Borealis

I'd like to write more OS-tan stories. I have three planned at once, two of which I've showed the first part of,  but don't feel like I have the time to work on them.

Aurora Borealis

I added some more details into SAGE's and VMS's articles:

* Added info on her relations with her family, and also made a header for her relations with others, such as her hatred of UNIX ,her disdain of the microcomputers, and her relationships to FASTRAND and IBM 728 (?), but haven't added those in because I don't know where to start with that. x_x

I'd like to know when did SAGE and UNIX start hating each other, and while in service, were there other mainframe-tans that SAGE was rivals with?

* Mainly added headers to the history section, next up I'm planning on working on a section about her relationships with her family, including NT and NT's kids.

Currently I'm expanding on Rainbow 100's article.


Quote from: Aurora Borealis on July 15, 2011, 11:26:18 PM
* Added info on her relations with her family, and also made a header for her relations with others, such as her hatred of UNIX ,her disdain of the microcomputers, and her relationships to FASTRAND and IBM 728 (?), but haven't added those in because I don't know where to start with that. x_x

I'd like to know when did SAGE and UNIX start hating each other, and while in service, were there other mainframe-tans that SAGE was rivals with?

I would also like to know more about SAGE's relationship with FASTRAND and IBM 728. Since they are endlessly fascinating.

I think SAGE was wholly above being rivals with anyone or anything. Being the biggest, powerfulest, potentially nuclear-armedest, legion of radar and interceptor craft havingest, expensivest, IBM propellingest military project of all time and all.

Aurora Borealis

That sounds right. Should I add that to her article?

I just got started on the draft for LINC's article:


EDIT: Also overhauling QNX's article:

* A WIP, but at least the info that's up is current!


it all looks good, aurora-sama. -w- as for the infobox, let's not think about it anymore, since there's so much in it already. @__@;

as for the canon, i usually relate that the more art a particular depiction has, the more canon it is. combine that with japan ≥ US and first come first served, and you get my formula for canon:
date of creation + amount of art ÷ japan/US = canon (all this math is strictly symbolic).
click to make it bigger


Yo Aurora

How do the edit the new info boxes? In the edit screen, all I see is the old info box info.... like so....

|cname= Unix-sama
|alias= Bell Labs Unix, UNIX, fka Unics
|creator= C-Chan
|debut= Preconcept, February 2007; finished, September 2007

|osper= (Bell Labs) Unix
|osdev= Bell Labs, ATT
|reldate= Summer 1969
|lastrel= Unknown (mid-1970s?)

|fnote "

Aurora Borealis

It's kind of tedious since some sections were dropped while others were added, but you need to replace or match each line to what's in the current template:


For example:

|image =

|cname = Bell Labs Unix
|alias = UNIX, Unix-sama, UNICS
|hname = Eunice Bell
|debut = Feb 2007 (preconcept), Sep 2007 (finished)
|height = 153 cm (5'0")
|haircolor= purple
|eyecolor= blue
|weapon = metal staff, mainly wields fire magic
|apfaction = [[Linux Unix Consortium]]
|lineage= Unix (matriarch/founder)
|rival= GECOS, Multics (formerly), SAGE, (uhh... many others.)

|osper = (Bell Labs) Unix
|osdev = Bell Labs, ATT
|reldate = Summer 1969
|lastrel = unknown (mid 1970's?)

Aurora Borealis

Created two new (stub) articles:



To the mainframe experts here (you know who you are!), I could use some input for these.


*thumbs up*

What do you need to know about BUIC?

Aurora Borealis

I just wanted to know if there are other details I could add, mainly more about her history and background.


I think you've got just about everything that's currently public record at the moment; she's fond of snowshoeing if that's something worth adding.


A few details about a veteran...
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OpenVMS. Can't speak or understand Russian (decwindows' Russki release was dropped in 2001), and is quite hotheaded and gets frustrated when people are being vague. Is very well-informed on military trivia.

It is relevant to the topic...@hand.


Quote from: stewartsage on July 28, 2011, 06:44:47 PM
I think you've got just about everything that's currently public record at the moment; she's fond of snowshoeing if that's something worth adding.


Quote from: NejinOniwa on July 28, 2011, 11:12:39 PM
A few details about a veteran...
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OpenVMS. Can't speak or understand Russian (decwindows' Russki release was dropped in 2001), and is quite hotheaded and gets frustrated when people are being vague. Is very well-informed on military trivia.

It is relevant to the topic...@hand.

Wrong. Very much so. At least if we're talking my story canon's OpenVMS....... you're free to make whatever changes to her personality in your storyline though.