Project Wiki OVERHAUL!!

Started by Aurora Borealis, December 06, 2010, 05:40:33 PM

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We already have a Theories and Notes section in most of the articles. (Or at least the ones made by Aurora and I).


i see it as a greater project that needs to be dealt with, likely in a branch thread. if you make one, i'll participate. but in the meantime, i'm thinking of making my own mini-project thread here to deal with the overall issue of os-tan names.
click to make it bigger


a second major update to the Windows 8


  • Added separate photos for Ai and Yu and put them under the appropriate area of the page.
  • Changed the thumbnail in InfoBox to Windows 8 Logo.
  • Created a duplicate of the OSinfobox template entitled OSBasicinfobox for use on pages such as Windows 8 where "Rivals" "Proposed Human Names" "Weapon" and "Height" are unavailable, unnecessary, &/or these empty areas of the InfoBox damage the overall layout of the page (Such as Windows 8's)
  • Added portion for "Aya Madobe" Under "Other Renditions" with the added note that it is not OSC canon as of current.
  • fixed and updated page layout

Also adding more Ai & Yu images in the gallery (
Official -tans are my bat signal.


yay, new gallery images! ^^

nice on the updates, btw. i might use that basic info box since some of that stuff isn't listed for specific -tans/-kuns. :3
click to make it bigger


So, yesterday I revised the technical info section of ME-tan's article; correcting some errors and adding a few more details on the OS. I thought I mentioned it already, but I guess I forgot ^_^;;


i'll have a look later and see how the me-kun article's technical section stacks up.
click to make it bigger


Alright :3

I also just added a pic to HURD-tan's page; since I noticed it was missing and I had artwork of her lying around

EDIT: I found a few other characters I have some artwork of to fill in the blanks. Currently doing so for Amiga-tan


Remember to use a 200 x 200 px avatar.


I knew there was some important detail I was forgetting. Now to resize everything and reupload it, unless there's some code to make it display smaller

It seems to automatically display at approx. 200x200. HURD-tan's pic could be revised a bit, admittidly

EDIT: I think I got it fixed with HURD-tan's pic. I had some issues with the updated version not displaying properly, but it looks fine now


Looks good Pentium! If you need artwork for any more avatars, let me know, I may be able to point you in the right direction.

I updated Solaris-tan's article, and want to make an article for BSD too. I'm also thinking of doing some cleanup-y things, such as classifying short articles as "stubs", classifying articles that are ongoing/unfinished as "WIP", etc.


I kept meaning to avatarize some drawings for avatars, but it would've been a hack job so it's probably for the best I never did.


Quote from: stewartsage on November 04, 2012, 07:54:40 PM
I kept meaning to avatarize some drawings for avatars, but it would've been a hack job so it's probably for the best I never did.

Nonsense! We can always use your avataring efforts! ;0;

Aurora Borealis

@Bella: Excellent work on Solaris-tan's article! It never was specified precisely why Solaris-tan started a coffee shop, aside from a reference to Sun's Java, but I agree with the idea she started a coffee shop not in spite of her high social status, but because of it. It is an attempt at humility, but whether she really chose to do that or was coerced into that is another story. I'd like to draw a comic about that too. :P

Her strained relation with Unix sounds right. Unix is proud to have such a powerful and accomplished granddaughter, a shining example of the bloodline, but is disappointed by her continued arrogance. Unix is probably wandering where did she go wrong with her daughters and granddaughters. Those are accomplished are among the most arrogant.

Inversely, I thought Unix would tolerate A/UX-tan because although A/UX-tan is low-ranking, at least she didn't contribute to the in-fighting of the Unix Wars and is fairly down-to-earth... Or did she? I imagined she didn't because of her loyalties to the Apple Family, and that she cared more about being there for them than the possible social status and riches to be earned from fighting in the Unix Wars. :-/


Oooh, I'd like to see a comic about the founding of Solaris-tan's coffee shop. I'm fond of the Unix-tan-Made-Her-Do-It hypothesis, mostly because that sounds just like something Unix-tan - with her love of challenging her children and pushing them to their very limits - would do to teach Solaris-tan a lesson. @__@;;

You're very right about the most accomplished Unix-tans often being the most arrogant. There's really not a lot Unix-tan could have done to keep it from happening, I don't think, besides teaching them to be more humble and telling them how dangerous being seized with power can be. Of course, the Unix family IS notoriously poor at learning from past mistakes and taking heed of warnings ... she may not have been able to change them, even if she tried.

I've always assumed Unix-tan would be ambivalent, or even slightly favorable of A/UX-tan. Unix does possess a soft spot for the most independent of her children - while she doesn't tolerate outright rebellion, she dislikes sycophants as well.   


@Bella: Alright, I require your picture-hunting skills

Do you know if we have any pics of Minix-tan? It looks like her pic got deleted